
Showing posts with the label inspiration

Awake with Hope

Arise with the sun and walk.  Awake with hope and live.  Arise with courage to make the best of this gift. May God remember you today. May He be pleased to grant you a good day. I wish you well. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿05/10/2020

Dear GOD

Dear God,  Ever merciful to a broken humanity, Kindly fill us with your blessings anew. Please stretch your healing hands on the afflicted. Be pleased to console your grieving children and be charitable to strengthen those in pain. For those forgotten and ignored, For those who thirst for love and the vulnerable, For those who are hit hard by this pandemic, For all who experience fear and anxiety, And for those who are dying slowly, In your mercy, protect and grant them peace of mind and spirit. Grant good health. Grant solace. Grant wisdom to all. In your compassion, teach us to care and connect with our conviction to do the right things. Bless us with the insight to appreciate every moment of our lives.  And graciously enlighten us to always value each other and work towards a better world. Please, bless and preserve your children this day, I pray. 🙏🏿🙏🏿 I wish you a great day. Continue to be safe and Remain Blessed.  Greetings🌸 ©KYB ✍🏿13/08/2020

Rejuvinate Your Smile

Reawaken your optimism to live. Reanimate your hope to be a blessing. Rekindle your faith to make the best of this day. Rejuvenate your stakes to ride on the waves. Renew your pledge to be a good citizen today. Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening. Stay safe.  ©KYB ✍🏿05/08/2020

August's Alluring grace

Access August's alluring is grace in style to, Accelerate the attainment of goals anew. Although life is somehow unpredictable with lots of ups and down.  May we always appreciate our efforts to edify our lives and to continue being good. So while it’s perfectly possible to still manifest our dreams and aspirations to navigate through,  May we deeply experience what we seek and continue caring about the little things that matter. So dear one,  Kindly, hold on to your dreams and hopes.  Treasure your values in this era of new beginnings. Reach out to others if you can. Take the hand of those reaching out to you. Knock on doors if you must. Get a clearer guide towards the future. Hold the light for others to find the path. For by shining the light for many, you are elevating lives and glorifying the name of the Most High.  As you strive to be the change you seek, May something great manifest in your life. And May August bring you something good. I wish...

Strive to Live

Strive to live and inspire others in your life. Strive to care and be responsive for the gift of time and life.  Serve and seek to be relevant in any situation. Avoid the temptations to be corrupted by the attractions of the day. Resist the the tendency to be indifferent. Make it a point to encourage someone out theree with you actions, words and desire to help.  That way you can write the story of your relevance anywhere you may find yourself.  Greetings to you. ©KYB ✍🏿26/07/2020

Be Inspired

In the interval between our desires and needs, In the spaces between our success and failure, And in the intersections within the interaction of our interests, is the need to be ever mindful in our care. Keep your hope alive, Believe in yourself, Be encouraged, And always strive to keep a sane balance in all your dealings. Wishing you a wonderful day. Greetings #KYB ✍🏿®#

Self Awareness

Can you remember all that you saw today? Can we recollect all that you heard in the course of the day? Hope that's not too much of a friendly task to ask now? However we assess the day's event, there's this one thing that might still be lingering on our mind. I don't know what exactly it is though, but it's a likely possible that a deed or gesture still walks on our mind at this moment. If it's a good one cherish it. But if it's an unpleasant one let's learn from them. Often time, self awareness is very vital to our growth, the same way self examination is to our progress. So even as we deliberate in some gossip drills which visited our ears and some misdeeds our eyes observed in others, perhaps it would also be good for us to also reflect on our own minor or silent misdeeds and value our morality because it is still the most basic expectation of every man. Take care and enjoy the evening breeze. #KYB ✍🏿®#

Be Courageous

"Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what is still possible for you to do." - St. John XXIII. Best wishes to you. Good morning. 🌹🍇 #KYB ✍🏿®#

Enthusiastic Frame

There are many shades of love that mimics the unadulterated one. But the best love to have is the one that awakens the soul within; makes us hungry enough to seek our true identity, and that which plants an enthusiastic passion in our hearts. It's that merciful love that still kindles our hope and inspires our quest to live. So please be in tune with grace and the divine intentions of your creator. Be blessed abundantly. Greetings 🍓 #KYB ✍🏿®#