Stay Positive

Chronic or constant stress has gained notoriety in our society today. Stress from noises from our streets, market centres and churches; the daily heavy vehicular traffic on our roads, coupled with stress from our relationships, or from heavy workload, and stress exacerbated by the frustration from our institutions and systems, as well as pressures or demands from our society to do this or that, subtly affect our wellbeing. For some time now, our weekends are no longer suitable for relaxation, neither are the numerous holidays enough for our relaxation. This is because of our numerous social commitments. It is therefore common to see the average Ghanaian worker already tired on Mondays of all days. In fact, from our current social arrangements, it's becoming impossible to escape stress, which follows us everywhere we go, due to our many engagements. Interestingly, Healthbeat (a publication by Harvard University) reports that stress triggers a wide range of health issues, incl...