Be Grateful for Every Day

Be grateful for everything in life. Be thankful for the people in your life. Be appreciative of the little things in life. Sometimes the people in your spaces are rare to come. Some opportunities are hard to come by again. Other times precious moments are missed. Somehow we learn from our mistakes to improve upon our lives. A time comes for us to climb up and to climb down. Life in this phases, presents us with opportunities to be served and to serve others. As no position or circumstances us permanent, maybe we should be mindful of how we discharge our duties. Maybe we should be interested in how we would like to be treated and learn how to treat others. Maybe we should be generous with our gratitude and never take the gift of a day or a helping hand for granted. In a realistic sense we owe it duty to be grateful for the gift of every day. Remain blessed as always. Greetings ©KYB ✍πΏ22/11/20