A Chapter of Hope

Thank you for your presence here today. Thank you for not giving up in these times. Thank you for the positive energy you bring. In the naunce of our bread and matter issues, Bringing us to another pregnant Thursday, We rise with vitality of certain hope to make history. Flipping through the noted activities from several pitches Of our economic interests and of a hopeful quest in Quarter, We need a firm BELIEVE in our abilities to do better. Coupled with a fearless CONVICTION of our Stars shining. Whether they were the first to come to our shores or we were the first to welcome them, we will rewrite history with hope. With gratitude for the beautiful gift of this day, And in anticipation of this dutiful menu of Hope, It is my prayer our Ears hears positive news of progress, Our eyes sees the beauty and glory of this day, And our hearts feel the delight of this action packed day. May you be filled with an undying positive energy, And may our unique efforts a...