Take care & keep safe
Every moment someone is travelling by air, water and land.
On land, road or vehicular transport accounts for about 75% transportation, with rail transport making up the rest.
Aside from the rough and inconvenient road network, which make road transport unpleasant in Ghana. Road and Traffic Accident (RTA) has become a problematic issue and a major source of morbidity and mortality with costly implications.
Current statistics on road accidents and road related deaths are scaring. The colossal loss and discomfort caused hundreds of thousands maimed through accidents cannot be quantified.
Globally, an estimated 1.2 million road users are involved in accidents. The situation is not different in Afrika.
From January to September 2018, the Ghana National Road Safety Commission (NRSC) reports 10051 crashes of 16,281 Vehicles, with 1,710 fatalities and 9973 injuries.
Between the same period, 194 deaths have been reported on the Madina-Adenta highway and another death yesterday.
A close look at the incidence of RTA suggests that road accidents claim the lives of about 8 people daily.
Besides the health and economic burden of road accidents, and with the known human and mechanical factors, we also know too well that drink driving and impatience by drivers, the lack of care by pedestrians and the unavailability of ancillary facilities on our roads, such as footbridges and irregular maintenance of vehicles on our roads, is responsible for many of these needless deaths.
We see and report careless carefree and over speeding drivers who endanger our safety. Some of us have not forgiven those who caused the death of our loved ones through this accident.
Our safety on our roads is shaky and I now appreciate the reason why loved ones would want to hear from you whenever you travel. one arrives at their destination.
If we really care about our safety issues, me think we could do moa on this.
We are right to chastise and vent our anger and displeasure at our erring drivers, and the negligent institution entrusted with our safety and with our own selves for not taking much care.
In lashing out at the Driver 'banzas' or careless and at the inconsiderate and hasty drivers, we have to think through and award good drivers on our roads to perhaps encourage good driver behaviour on our roads. In urging all of us to exercise care on our roads, we have to also encourage the good ones for their efforts.
While banking our hopes on the government and institutions such as the NRSC to raise public awareness especially as Christmas break beckon, we could as well pray and keep safe wherever and whenever we are using our roads.
We feel the urgent need to remind the killer drivers and our own selves to be extra careful on our way.
To the drivers who steer us safely to our journeys,
To those who go the extra mile to get us there safely on our fragile roads, we say thanks to them.
Let's take care and keep safe.
#KYB ✍🏿®#
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