29th View

It is a common ritual to conduct reviews, overviews, counterviews, and previews as the year draw to a close. However, it's been a year with a mix of blessings with highs and lows, some shocks, and some surprises. We might have heard strange news of some occurrences and yet we have braced the storms to come this far. And in scribbling or singing our gratitude, perhaps we need to look back with thanksgiving and look forward with hope. But do you still remember the beautiful goals you set for 2022? Do you remember the positive fantasy of your big dreams? Do you remember the several hiccups of our take-off? Can you recall the delay traps, which might have punctured our speed? Did we record some gains in these periods of uncertainty? Or did we sublet our attention to other competing stakes? Did we put on hold our focus to attend to the bread-and-butter issues? What did we do differently to attain our goals this year? What role did we play in impacting our lives and...