
Showing posts from June 27, 2021

Joules of July

I greeted Junior and Julius this morning. Then it occurred to me it's 1st July. In wishing Juliets Julies, Julius, Jumais, Jumbos, Julas, Judys, Judiths, Judes and even Judas on this corridor of July which was named after Julius Caesar, may God empower and fill you with strength. May He who has brought us this far continue to keep us on the right path so we make the best of the Joules in July. I wish you a blessed moon with new possibilities. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿01/07/21

Take Care

We envisaged a beautiful June in May, Blessed with some rains of hope. We embraced June with hope, But got embroid in this jaundice theatre at this junction of June-July. It's jingoistic to entertain this thoughts. It's sad how we now kill our own. It hurts to see lives wasted daily. It's becoming unfunny how these trends keep repeating in these short space. We cannot loss focus on the locus of the prowling hawks in the subregion. We cannot handle ourselves in this manner and smile at each other. If was bad yesterday, it can't be right today. Violence is undemocratic. We cannot continue like this. We certainly can do better, In taking care of each other, Instead showing ourselves where power lies. Stay safe. Take care. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿30/06/21

Listen & Watch

Listen to the silent waves. Listen to the sounds of the rain drops. Listen to the cool June-July winds. Listen to the Voice of the Creator. Listen and watch the changing tides. Shhhiiiiiiiiii! Listen to your heart beats Listen to the silent rhythm of time And enjoy the music of life Listen and listen to the counsel of ages and treasures the wisdom. First published on 27/6/2012. May your week be blessed. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿27/06/21