
Showing posts from April 23, 2017


Knowing what we know, and knowing what we perceive often, is good. Knowing what we like to know, and knowing what we ought to know, is better. But knowing the hidden truth about our life and knowing the TRUE reasons behind our being through all the changing seasons is best. Have a spirit filled evening.🌱🌿 #KYB ✍🏿®#


The humanness of humanity is best expressed in the true spirit of humility. In fact, humility is a fundamental quality we all must strive to posses in life, while keeping a sane disciplined deposition and a deep faith of Hope every hour. Be preserved and protected. Greetings Blessed one.💦 #KYB ✍🏿®#


Your story is a unique narrative. Your pilgrimage is a wondrous account. Your encounter with God is a favourable witness of His glory. Your energy at any given moment is an active miracle. So plunge yourself into the pool of favourable blessings of this beautiful day, and yield quality fruits. Be good and be blessed abundantly. Greetings⚡ #KYB ✍🏿®