Who are we when we sing and sneeze? Who are we when we speak and act? Are we strangers to the sufferings and sacrifices our forebears made for us to have come this far? Our pioneers dreamt, hoped and desired to see this day. Others sang songs and demonstrated our preparedness for our political independence. The four million Ghanaians at the time were happy about this glamorous event in the annals of our country. Several sermons of statements, speeches, and sentiments were shared on which course we had to take and what we ought to do consolidate our freedom and secure that of our brothers and sisters on Afrika's soil. We had a beautiful blueprint of how we were going to do it and build a dignified Afrika. We argued and somehow agreed on how things should pan out. Indeed, the storyline was perfectly envisioned but can we say the same about its implementation? At the time, Dr. Kwame Nkrumah said the Independence of Ghana was meaningless unless it's linked to the total liberation ...