Gratitude to Our Teachers

We often associate Teachers, Tutors and Lecturers with formal Education but there are mentors, parents, coaches, instructors, gurus, consultants, preachers, supervisors, musicians, specialists, leaders, writers or actors who inspire, provoke and guide us on the needful things to do in life. There are some friends, elders and strangers who teach us things that later help us in life. Since life itself is a learning process, may we learn to appreciate our teachers wherever they may be. To those excellent teachers who went the extra mile to ensure we were disciplined and remained focused, we appreciate you. They were those teachers we dishonoured in their attempt to correct us. And they were those we even pelted stones at for daring to straighten our wrong ways. And they were those who never gave up on us despite our troubles. Today, please tell our teachers, we are grateful. Tell them to forgive our mischievous ways for we knew not what we were doing. Tell our Teachers...