Urgent Plea

The world is on it knees and everyone is affected. The rising cases and the tally of casualties of this novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is yet to end. The fatigue that comes with the measures is quite understandable but are we now safer to move about as if all is well? The exceeding option of keeping our hopes alive is necessary, since it incites the possibility for action. However, the prevailing denial and despair, and certain political activities, leads to a subtle inclination of indolence that has dangerously deaden the sense of alertness among certain quarters of the public. Inasmuch as much there's need to remain calm and lesson our fears, we need not let down our guard with a false sense of immunity to COVID-19. This urgent plea is therefore a reminder to ourselves of the need to keep safe and follow the safety protocols. As valuable citizens, we still have the grace to act right by stopping the spread, while the sun still glows, today. So kindly take care of...