Every human being is endowed with talents, gifts and abilities. You and I have our share of these enormous gifts, which we are tasked to use for the betterment of humanity. However, it's a sad reality that many of us are not fully living or maximising our talents, potentials, gifts and blessings, largely due to fear, disappointment, hiccups here and there and laid-back attitude. According to sages these talents and vision of our mission here on earth are very clear at our infancy and during the period of our last breath. But in between these two critical periods are moments of blissful-confusing trends of a worldly life we sadly imitate without thoroughly questioning. So we get lost chasing material things to the detriment of growing our precious potentials. Our greatest challenge, however is that we've devoted too much love and attention to the fake realities of our being here and given less room for the very things we were supposed to love and live. May God help us love ...