The Balanced Approach

We responded to the call to serve our country several years ago, with enthusiasm. Yours sincerely was part of the young zealous cadres, who landed at a promising school planted in a semiarid habitat, somewhere in the Northern Region of Ghana. There were green shades, which gave the school a refreshing look, that evoke the serene of the environment. In the early months, we basked in the silent welcome breeze, made acquaintances and started adjusting to the rhythms of our new friends. It's a happy friendly move at school with our students, service colleague, teachers and even the townsfolk. But townsfolk, yes after the welcome period transitioned, we realised that to live peacefully with all stakeholders in the school, we had a duty to balance fairness and firmness in our friendliness or relationships, an even insist that the right things were done, to curtail the tendency of subtle friendly abuse and overlapping of certain friendly overtures. In the funny tales of these experie...