
Showing posts with the label Reminders

Simple Reminders

Over the years, we have seen and heard a lot of human stories. We have tasted and tested the care of behaviours of people. This is perhaps the basic thinking backing the axiom that people are people because of people. It's a reality we all have friends and enemies. But its possible that in our hustles and troubles of journeying along the paths of life, we might be disappointed, get bruised or be hurt by our expectations from people. So in trusting in God, and expecting nothing from others, we could learn to walk and preserve our lives. However, it's also true that somebody out there still values and cherishes you. Somebody still cares about you. Somebody thinks of you right now. Somebody misses you and wants to talk to you. Somebody is truly happy for you and wants to share their lives with you. Someone prays for your wellbeing. Someone admires your strength and energy. Someone wants you to be around them all the time and see your smiles. Someone remembers you in ...


There is something about unsaid feelings that usually set us thinking all the time. Mix feelings also carry an aura of uncertainty that help us waste the day. Yes, you need to think about that phenomenon, situation, our responsibilities and limitations, as well as our strengths and strategies but we certainly must not sink under them. Let us approach each day with a renewed sense of vitality to harness the opportunities the day brings. Let us set our focus on becoming better than we were yesterday, even as we live in this age of new possibilities. May God inspire us to improve. Be blessed in your endeavours. Good morning to you. #KYB#


The moon smiled again at our many moments of manoeuvres and managing trends of a Monday routine. And with the calm evening looks, may I please know how you are doing? How was your day? Are we on course? Are we growing mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually? Are we leveraging the opportunities we are blessed with? Hah! Hope that's not too much ooo? By the way, thank God for bringing us this far. Have a pleasant evening blessed one. God bless you.🌹🌿 #KYB ✍®#


Arguably, we have many challenging quest and desires in life. We also have several interests and concerns still competing for our attention, which sometimes detract our focus. However, amidst all this complex trends, we are required to stay true to the course of life. Here are some 11 reminders that could guide us, even as we navigate through the complexities of life. 1⃣May we never forget the great and minor lessons of our common history, to avoid repeating old mistakes. 2⃣May we never forget the value of ancient wisdom and the exemplary deeds of our 'foremothers' and forefathers. 3⃣May we never forget our connections to life, people, God and the universe. 4⃣May we never forget to forgive each other, and ever live our mission to love and serve. 5⃣May we never forget the real massive power of our will and the intention to change our reality. 6⃣May we never forget to be free without fear or guilt and live life to its fullest. 7⃣May we ne...