Silent Battles
It happened that among a group of young people smiling heartily, there was this friend who had a stale smile, although he looked a bit cheerful. The other day, I saw this middle-aged man, walking down the road, whom I greeted. But from the way, he responded with a somber smile I had this strange feeling within me all wasn't well. There's a good friend whom I overheard at dawn weeping in his prayer to God. I was apparently supposed to passed information to him before traveling to Accra. It occurred to me then that a lot of people are also shedding copious tears because of their peculiar conditions or the betrayals or disappointment they suffered. Some are shedding tears over their sickness, failures and for the seemingly nonprogressive life path, they found themselves on. It is somehow revealing to know that some people wear well-rehearsed smiles to get going and to hide their peculiar battles. In fact, one doesn't need a degree or a special certificate in the rudiment...