Team Spirit

You can do things I cannot do, You can do things others can do better: But together we can do great things if we commit to work together. Teams are everywhere and are largely responsible for progress. In recent time, it appears the subject has been over flogged, perhaps because of its importance. We may even glean the essence of teams of 11 players from 32 countries competing for one trophy in Russia. Fostering team spirit is very critical in our quest to work together for our progress. The value of this team spirit is enhanced by individual commitment and readiness to group effort. In fact, it's the definitive factor that drives innovation, success and make team become champions. In every family, company, organisation, community, society or in any civilization work, great exploits were achieved because of the commitment to work in terms. We may be part of one or two teams, but being mindful of some negative tendencies including disrespect, jealousy, laziness, infighting o...