Listen Carefully

My friends giggled and laughed at me, as he (the catechist) tried answering me with another question,(the Ghanaian way). But since I was hungry and wanted the class to end, I couldn't afford to expend my little energy on that argument.
Often, during the penultimate round of the televised Science & Maths Quiz, for Science Student in our secondary schools, the Quiz Mistress usually asks the contestant to listen with rap attention for the set of riddle questions.

The case is same in our lives too, as we are supposed to also listen carefully to not only the rhythms of life, but to the music, the cries, the unsaid truths, and the messages from Angels and others signals.
Most times, we only hear others speak to issues without listening to the reasons and interests backing what is being said.
Other times, we listen to respond and react, but essentially we are required to listen to grow and improve ourselves and others.
So since we are spiritual creatures, endowed with intellect and physical bodies to navigate in this space and time, we are required to listen to ourselves, listen to others, including nature, and listen to our Creator.
There may be some imperceptible noises within and without, as well as barriers that prevent us from listening.
But today, please listen carefully in silence and stillness, to find the music of your heart.

Listen to your dreams and hopes.
Listen to your inner voice and not your fears.
Listen to your God and live.
Listen to your own rhythms and the signals from your surrounding, and live.
Do have a wonderful day.
#KYB ✍πΏ®#
#KYB ✍πΏ®#
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