Healthy Nature for All

What happened to our rich natural vegetation? What caused the staleness in the weather? Is the quality of the air we breathe still healthy? Is the value of the food we grow still wholesome? Are we happy with the state of our stream & rivers? Are we pleased with the way we are managing the waste we generate daily? Does it matter to you the state of natural resources we are leaving for our children's children? Does it concern you how we can better appropriate our natural resources? It's factual that the foods we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature. But can we say in all honesty that we have really excelled in the way we managed our natural environment? As we join the people of the earth mark this year's World Environment Day, under the theme: Biodiversity - Time for Nature, I think it time we reflect on how best we can protect, conserve and preserve our natural environment. In these...