
Showing posts with the label Thank God


Some memories are difficult to erase from our mind. But in all these moments of a day, we can still thank G od for the gift of this beautiful day.Whether for good or bad, please remember to thank God for all the memories of this day.  God bless your evening. Greetings 🌿 #KYB ✍🏿®#

Thank God for Today

An act of thanksgiving is critical in appreciating how far we've come. Sometimes, the idea of recognising the deed of the Almighty who still work through people in our lives is worth noting. So let's thank God in every situation. In everything, let's acknowledge God's love. Let's give thanks to the LORD, for His goodness and mercy endures forever. May the sweet echoes of His Love fill and strengthen us to begin this day anew. May the merciful God who blessed us with the gift of this day, continue to sprinkle on us the strength to live this day to the fullest. God Bless you. Good day. #KYB ✍🏿#

Thank God

All too soon, January is exiting, while February beckons. Whatever our experiences were in our attempt to live our plans, I believe we owe God a fat gratitude. In counting our blessings, maybe we have to not only involve God in our plans but to make Him the very anchor of our unique plans. Maybe we have to pay more attention to the whispers of ages, care for ourselves and keep clear focus on the good we have to live. Maybe we have to repent from our odds ways and live good lives. Enjoy the teasing evening breeze and receive its gentle touch. While thanking God, for the gift of our lives , strength and health, may you enjoy this blissful evening, even as we hope for a brighter tomorrow. God bless. 🥀🌹 #KYB ✍🏿®#