Behind the Scenes

After carefully examining this Akanasuma radio set that regularly fed the household with news, I wondered where the speakers were? So I was told i asked where these guys were?

I was still curious to know how the radio worked, when managed to dismantle my mum's red stereo cum radio set, when it was misbehaving some years later.

In fact, after slapping one mini sunny sound system, belonging to my old boy, after continuously sounding too nasal, I had to operate upon it to fix it. So I did and finally destroyed this 1988 set in the process.
Interestingly, it was in 2007, when I joined the production unit of the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation, Radio session as an intern, that I got a clearer insight on what goes into radio transmission, as well as what goes on behind the console and in the production unit.

It was then I fully appreciated the efforts of the Producers, the Technicians, Engineers among others, who ensure that the voices of the Journalists, news anchors, the host and panellist is transmitted through waves in the air to you through your radio set.

In the same way, a lot goes on in our lives, beyond what is manifested in a little fraction of our lives.
It's essentially a combination of several things including more of the unseen things than what we see.

Behind the scenes and on our blind side a lot of things are going on that would blow your mind. I mean, several intricate processes, and mechanisms are working to ensure our well-being or destruction.

Although it is sometimes frustrating when our constant efforts yield little or no result, despair might often set in and our patience could be stretched to the point that we might even want to give up. But beloved, during these gestation period, trust me God's still in control and working for our good.

So as we journey into this day,  let's stay focus and continue doing our little bit through the many challenges.

I know it's not easy though, but as we walk with unwavering hope, may we acknowledge God's silent unseen grace at work for us. Stay blessed.

#KYB ✍🏿®#


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