
Showing posts with the label Appreciation

A Grain of Gratitude

There are those who were here before us. There are those people on whose shoulders we climbed on or ride on to look into the future. It's possible we still walk under the shadow of their magnanimity or effect. Today, I remember in a special way our parents, grandparents, the traditional birth attendants, midwives, and everyone who ensured our safe arrival here. Can we recall our aunties, uncles, siblings, and neighbours or anyone who supported our parents to care for us when we were kids? Can we also recount the experiences we had with our teachers, mentors, and those who even went the extra mile for us? To the various caregivers and everyone who spotted the qualities in us and decided to support in a way, you are not forgotten. In the spaces of our linkages expressed in the dynamic ships of our bonds and in our various communities, the individuals involved deserve our gratitude. To those silent special individuals, (often known and unknown to us), who constantly pray for u...

Another Appreciation

Experiences are worth keeping because of the lessons they teach us. Every teacher that encourages and guides us on the path of learning something new is worth remembering. Sometimes, it takes one of them to spot our talents and help us polish them. Those who go the extra mile to inspire and provoke us to think outside the box have earned our respect with their footprint still registering in our hearts. Those who taunted the innocence in our mischief too, we remember.  Some earned our displeasure but were we supposed to like all of them? In any case, the experiences gave us a yardstick to acknowledge the good ones. Another grade of teachers who deserve mention is our schoolmates and seniors. Some of these colleagues who were unrepentantly naughty were fun to be around. But there are those who graduated from being mere colleagues into good friends. Through all these interactions, one thing is clear that our school, sophomore and social teachers spread throughout the various s...