
Showing posts from 2021

Some Sutble Life Rules

Observe what is right and good. Strive to do what is just and appropriate. Act conscientiously and be kind. Live every moment to the fullest and be yourself. In your dealings with people be fair even to your enemies. Always maintain your composure when you experience life's challenges. Pay attention to the little things of life, but don't succumb to the negative vibes. Keep a humble deposition and always show gratitude for the gift of life and whoever supports you. Never discourage or look down on whoever is always making an effort in life. Though not easy, strive to be different by valuing your relationship because people are people because of people. Above all, take care and be at peace with yourself, others and the most High. I mean do accord respect to others, appreciate the environment and revere your God. I still wish you well in your endeavours. May it be well with you. Good day. Stay safe ©KYB ✍🏿16/12/21


It crept into our rooms calmly on the back of the last rains. The unannounced visit seems to announce its loud presence with its beautiful dusty trade gifts. It's come with a biting dryness that drains the vapour from our skies and skins. It brings a lazy hazy breeze that affects our sleep and infects our visibility. The itchy Harmattan romance reminds us of the need to spread Shea butter on our skins; anoint our lips👄 with oil, as we patiently walk through the season. With a lot of mist💭 hugging the air, we can't see the distance clearly, but all the same keep faith, keep focus and keep walking. For a sweet romantic Harmattan experience, may we suck more water💦; watch how we use that good-bad blazing master🔥 while praying God to bless us with endurance to live through this season. Have a blissful romantic Harmattan season. God bless you. First published on 5th Dec. 2015 Greetings 🌝 ©KYB ✍🏿

Mandatory Mission

As pilgrims trekking here, We are essentially missionaries missioned to accomplish a certain task. Whether we know this or not, The time allotted for this task ticks right from the moment we draw our first breath. And whether we are living this mission or not, I think it's part of the process to find our eternal mission. As servant-stewards in transition, we must pay attention to our mission. We have a greater responsibility to the same balance in our movement here. We have to remember that: Beyond our daily bread and butter banter, this Mission is still loud. Besides, the heavy social demands, commands, and standards, is the Mission to be good unique servants. Though chances are that we already know our special missions, it's essential to live our true purposes. While some of us may even be confused about this mission, we need not give up to keep seeking. However, with a thorough soul search, reflection coupled with prayer, we may find our special mis...

Thank You, My Teachers

Thank You, My Teachers The role of educators in every society is the sine qua none for our existence. Their presence and impact in our lives through the various stages can not be glossed over. Teachers, Tutors, Lecturers and Educators are crucial at the various stages of every age. They are unique mentors, facilitators, coaches and fascinating instructors who guide many along this corridor of excellence. Beyond our school environment, we may find some in our homes, faith organisations, various circles of engagements. And it's interesting how they even affect or infect us on this path by tolerating our subtle or pronounced ways. It's intriguing how they manage to disciplined our stubbornness and answered the many questions we asked, even after we gave them those inaccurate nicknames. Sometimes, they endured our naughty fits, while taming the excesses of our excuses. When we even fought them and stoned some for daring to lash our wrongs, they had the patience to still ...

Monday Startup

As the morning starts off on a lovely note, be sure to assert yourself and celebrate the things that make you unique. Be sure to get up, stand up and rise up to utilise the beautiful moments Monday presents to you. So gently arise to mine the opportunities, this day brings. Chances are that people are more open to notice the best parts of you. So wear that smile and do whatever you can to stand out! And appreciate the gift of life and the many good times you have had before. Whatever happens today, please promise to remain calm and cheerful. I wish you a wonderful week ahead 😊. Remain blessed 🙌 ©KYB ✍🏿20/09/21

Unique Viewpoints

The need for our unique viewpoints in interviews, previews, reviews, overviews, counterviews and worldviews is vital in our existence. However to go further, our various viewspoints should help us reflect more on our lives and rethink of ways to enrich our diversity in these brief moments, so that we can collectively renew our minds, keep our hopes alive, rekindle our links and relive the destinies in our dreams. Bless your soul. Stay safe. Good morning ©KYB ✍🏿12/09/21

Another Dawn

A refreshing dawn signals a new beginning. A fresh start means a promising opportunity to live and make a mark. Let us embrace this pleasant mood of this day that encourages us to keep a sane balance. I wish you well. Good morning. Stay Safe ©KYB ✍🏿8/09/21

Thoughts of HOPE

As you start this day, may God's love guide you in your walk. May you be strengthened and healed of any burdensome affliction. May what you fervently pray for locate you, so that you can also be the answer to someone's prayer. And may your efforts be blessed and capped with good luck. I wish you the very BEST. Stay Safe and Remain blessed 🙌 ©KYB ✍🏿6/09/21

Hello September

On the wings of hope and providence, another serene smiling September arrives. With our experiences, and moderate expectations setting the tone, let's sail with confidence that the Lord is our side. And as we step into the door of September's warm bosom, may we continue to: S-trive to E-volve a P-ositive T-iming to E-ntertain the M-ighty B-lessings of E-ternal R-elevance. May God's grace locate you and sustain you in all your worthy endeavours. Good morning and have blessed Month. 🌷🌸 Remain Blessed ©KYB ✍🏿01/09/21

With A Human Touch

As the daylight filters through the skies, As you wake in this new week, It's my fervent wish you discover more of the mysteries of our interconnectedness in your experience of the abundant gift of life. Your existence, no doubt is an extention of the divine and with every human touch, humanity is elevated. This is because in every moment the divine essence touches our lives, and tickles us to equally endeavour to bring this reality home by extending this genuine concern to others. So let it be said today that because of your care, someone smiles. Let it be said that by virtue of your mindfulness a generation is blessed. Let it be recorded that by your connection with the divine, your presence edifies and inspires the lives of others wherever you step. I wish you a blessed week. 🙌 Have a pleasant sunny Day. ©KYB ✍🏿29/08/21

Be Courageous & Fearless

It gives some a constant and gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach. Others drink more or smoke more because of it. It causes some people to be right on the edge of success and then sabotage their own efforts. It's killed more dreams and ruined more careers than all other causes combined. Yes many relationships suffer from the its frustration and several incorrigible suicide cases could directly or indirectly be linked to it. FEAR may be the worst enemy of the human species. And it's been with us since the beginning. The Book of Genesis speaks of fear and it appears throughout the Bible, Torah and Koran. Who can forget the classic line from the Old Testament that was delivered by Job when he said, "That which I feared most has come upon me." In fact, it seems the older we get the more prone we are to allowing fear to control our lives. And right now, with the worst financial crisis of our lifetime (brought on in large part by FEAR) conti...

Each Day & Night

Each day you wake up, is someone's last moment. Each night you sleep, might be the last time for someone. These notwithstanding every day is precious, and every night is inevitable. Every moment of your life is vital so don't waste it on trivial things. Whatever happen in these curves, try to live a legacy, love humanity and leave quietly. Be blessed 🙌 ©KYB ✍🏿22/08/21

Relevance of Work

The relevance of your works, And the quality of your efforts, Will be acknowledged one day. Indeed, when you're inspired and fired up to execute a task, there's no room for laxity to relent until the goal is accomplished. This energy or inspiration acts like a boiling action in your bones which makes you restless, and propells you to surmount any obstacle, till the job is done. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿26/7/21

People Matter

People matter and you matter. People are unique and different, just like you. It is wrong to expect everyone to be like you and do the same things you do.    However, since tomorrow is never promised, please let us learn to appreciate every moment we share with others, because they are priceless.  Let us learn to appreciate each other once they are alive, because we will all vacate this space one day. To those who greive, be consoled. To those who rejoice, be glad. To those struggling with one challenge or the other, may you be strengthened. Times may not permit us to recount how the people factor has inspired or affected us in many separate sequence. But for making time to read these pieces, I appreciate you a lot because you are valuable.  Greetings from me to you ©KYB ✍🏿10/07/21

A Yawning Quest

Funny waves of odd practices still lingers, amidst the blessings from sunrise to sunset. We hear credible and incredible news from various news rooms across the globe, featuring facts and fallacies. From many countless narratives of our time, we see many fault lines of departure from what ought to be. From one incident to another chaotic one, the world seems to be reeling under a stubborn spell of indiscipline, hatred, greed, impunity and a state of anarchy. The absence of authentic care for one another, the reduction of everything to monetary value and disregard for basic precepts has eroded our collective human value. The equation of success to the capitalist and socialist view points, places less value on holistic human development. The era where everything goes just because of one's richness or affluence and influence is worrying. The situation where one's close affinity to power gives them some aura of invisibility to act with impunity is a deadly ...

Forget Thee Not

A lot happens within a day; A lot more things unfold in this simple complexities. With the demands of each moment, We often forget some details of what ought to be done.  But if you must forget anything at all, Please never forget whoever loved you when you were a child. Never forget the one who blessed you with the gift of life. Never forget the one who taught you how to walk and talk. Never forget the one who watches over you every day and night. Never forget whoever cares to wake you up every morning. Forget not the one who feed you and heals you of all your infirmities. Forget not the one who still warmly guide your steps through the day. Forget not those who stood by you when you were struggling. Forgot not those who went the extra mile for you. Don't forget your teachers. Don't forget your helpers. Don't forget your enemies. Don't forget those who neglected you. Don't forget those who were good to you. However busy you maybe...

Why Do You Do What You Do?

Why do you do what you do daily? What stirs you to do what you do? Are there reasons beyond monetary gain or material reward? You are witnesses to the enormous pressures, uncertainties and disruptions, with the intolerant altercations jeering at us in recent times.  You might have seen or heard about the insolent treaties of pockets of violence within and without our borders. With all the possible variables in this inquest, we cannot ignore these crucial push and pull factors and pretend all is well. We cannot hide behind the glory of being an oasis of peace and only pray for the situation to get better.  However obscure, obvious or subjective our motivation, passion and the reasons for which we do the things we do, they are no doubt anchored on some values. Inspite of the various layers of our complexities, the subject of revisiting the subject of values keep coming up in various quarters.  Today, it's not out of place to purge ourselves of our excesses and r...

Joules of July

I greeted Junior and Julius this morning. Then it occurred to me it's 1st July. In wishing Juliets Julies, Julius, Jumais, Jumbos, Julas, Judys, Judiths, Judes and even Judas on this corridor of July which was named after Julius Caesar, may God empower and fill you with strength. May He who has brought us this far continue to keep us on the right path so we make the best of the Joules in July. I wish you a blessed moon with new possibilities. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿01/07/21

Take Care

We envisaged a beautiful June in May, Blessed with some rains of hope. We embraced June with hope, But got embroid in this jaundice theatre at this junction of June-July. It's jingoistic to entertain this thoughts. It's sad how we now kill our own. It hurts to see lives wasted daily. It's becoming unfunny how these trends keep repeating in these short space. We cannot loss focus on the locus of the prowling hawks in the subregion. We cannot handle ourselves in this manner and smile at each other. If was bad yesterday, it can't be right today. Violence is undemocratic. We cannot continue like this. We certainly can do better, In taking care of each other, Instead showing ourselves where power lies. Stay safe. Take care. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿30/06/21

Listen & Watch

Listen to the silent waves. Listen to the sounds of the rain drops. Listen to the cool June-July winds. Listen to the Voice of the Creator. Listen and watch the changing tides. Shhhiiiiiiiiii! Listen to your heart beats Listen to the silent rhythm of time And enjoy the music of life Listen and listen to the counsel of ages and treasures the wisdom. First published on 27/6/2012. May your week be blessed. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿27/06/21

Gratitude in our Attitude

It is sobering to realise how people affect  lives. And like Albert Einstein we must realise that we are what we are based on the labours of others who may be living or dead. We are therefore indebted to our parents for bringing us into the world. We are indebted to the Traditional Birth Attendants, Herbalists, Nurses, Doctors orderlies, aids among others who played a critical part in making our arrival here safe. We are also in debted to all our parents, friends, teachers, priests, imams, and other mentors who taught, intructed, inspired and helped us understand certain qualities of strong character and about the essence of life. The list is endless but the intent to acknowledge the most high and people for being what they were or are to us the better it is for us to serve each other and be good to others. Stay blessed. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿25/06/21

Gift Of Moments

As you live this day, remember that your actions, inactions, reactions, responses and silence will be judged, interpreted and analysed. Thus, NEVER underestimate the little efforts you can make with the gift of the moment. Greetings.🦚 ©KYB ✍🏿23/06/21

Fathers of All Ages

How do people describe your father👴🏿? Who do people say he was/is? How would you describe your father👳🏿 and the fathers in your life? We are told some fathers are expert at goal scoring, while others too are active providers, protectors and pacesetters. We are also reminded of some fantastic but absentee fathers who have vacated their post, and those who generously missed the green smiles of our growth. Time and again, we hear of fathers who's gallant toils and tears still stirs us. Truth is that some have long kissed the ghostly ashes of eternity. Some still stand like pillars of discipline and foundation in our lives, while others still inspire fear through their uncompromising postures and fiats. For whatever they were or are to us? For whatever they have been in our lives? One thing is clear, that our Fathers are responsible for something in our lives. They're either directly or indirectly responsible for we being where we're today. We may li...

Listen Carefully

We sometimes feel uneasy or restless with noise within our minds, hearts and noise from our environment that obstructs our ability to carefully listen to the rhythms of nature and time. But the celebrated Raggae Icon Robert Nestor Marley reminds us in his song: Natural Mystic, that "There's a natural mystic blowing through the air, if you LISTEN CAREFULLY you'll hear. This could be the first prompting, might as well be the last. Many more will have to suffer; many more will have to die don't ask me why? Things are not the way they used to be, I won't tell no lie..." Similarly, William Arthur Ward opines that "We must be silent before we can listen. We must listen before we can learn. We must learn before we can prepare. We must prepare before we can serve. We must serve before we can lead." Maybe to live through the Epiphany of our Renaissance as a people, we need a continuous effort of transformation, the same way we nee...

In the Estimates

In the estimates of time, We have near equal. In the estimates of our affection, We have a paired measure. In the estimates of our work or worth, We are blessed with results. There is an untold estimate in our truths, In our socio-economic, politico-religio-cultural space. And in the estimates of our beliefs and attitudes, There are benign deficits of our interest.  But in the estimates of this day and its glamour, And in the exercise of our discretion today, Never underestimate or overestimate your estimation.  Just be in tune, do your best and be your best. I wish you well. Remain blessed ©KYB ✍🏿10/06/2021

Survival Strand

It's time to recalibrate  Whatever makes you happy and strong, Whatever helps you thrive in this space, And whatever strengthens you. Whether it's your achievement or influence, Whether it's your efforts and love you spread, And whether it's your unique challenges and how you have survived, I still appreciate you.  I wish you a wonderful Wednesday. Remain Blessed ©KYB ✍🏿09/06/2021


The news of climate change is no secret. The effects of our actions on earth are known. The fact remains that we are responsible in a way. We are aware of the vileness of what we have done, or what we have not done in avoiding this. We are witnesses to the erratic weather patterns and the gradual decline of rainfall. We know the discomfort in the uncertain seasonal tunes. And we do know the dangers if nothing concrete is done. The fact that we cannot turn back the clock doesn't mean we cannot act. We can each take up the task of planting and growing trees, and making our cities green. We clean our rivers and reclaim our wastelands. We can grow gardens, change our diets and be intentional in saving our ecosystem.  Whether as culprits or saviours, the time to act to restore our ecosystem is now. Since we are the generation that can make peace with nature, we all should take an active interest in working to making our natural habitat breathe again. As stewards ...

Wonderful Ordering

There's order in nature. There's beauty in this ordering. You are equally wonderful in your physique.  We are thus, obliged to listen more to the natural rhythms of cycles and keep a sane balance. As you do the needful in this space, please never forget your true purpose in life. I wish you a wonderful Wednesday. Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿02/06/2021

Joules in June

It is June again. It is the month of June-July, It's the mid-junction of a year. The January to June experience is telling. But beyond the joules in June, be sure to Judiciously Unite your New thoughts and Explore the rich grace of your journey from January. In this journal of June, I pray, you'll make it count.  Just live and relive the essence of our existence. To the Most High we sing our appreciation. Greetings to you.  ©KYB ✍🏿01/06/2021

New Chapter

Your life is a book. Your story is unique. This week is a new chapter. Open this new chapter, With renewed enthusiasm. Unlock the day with gratitude, And make it count.  Remain Blessed🍇 ©KYB ✍🏿30/05/21


We heard the merits and demerits in our lamentations. We are aware of our deadly stereotypes nibbling at our progress.  We are aware of the benefits working together for the common good will inure to us, but we prefer the perks and expensive money from our colonial masters.  We are aware of the risk and toils our forefathers went through to get us here, but we appear to have betrayed their worthy cause. We live in the sunshine of our graceful wealth and yet we are the least beneficiary of these abundant gifts.  We're aware of our own failings and the forces that work against our efforts to integrate and stay united.  We are also aware of our own acts of petty politicking that are working against us.  It's a fact that our liberation struggle is still on and we have an arduous task to finish the unfinished agenda of our liberation.  As Robert Nestor Marley echoed in his Redemption Song, we all have a duty to "emancipate ourselves from mental slave...

Progressive Mindset

We have a common background because we're the same people with different faces; We have established cults of an institution that perpetuate our progress but are we all living the values in our professed ideals?  In the context of who we are, where we are coming from and where we've got to in terms of where we're going, there's more room for improvement.  So long as our needs keep changing; So long as our aspirations keep changing; We need a sustainable progressive plan to revolutionize our economy, our agriculture, our education and our mental attitude, that should inform the way we do politics in every sphere.  Our politics should move from the petty divisive approach it has used over these years and be allowed to breathe some refreshing revival into our focus and thinking.  May God be our help in developing lasting values that will make our economy resilient and progressive. Remain Blessed. 🙏🏿 First Published on 24th May 2016. ©KYB ✍🏿 24/05/21

Making it Right

There is nothing wrong with good planning. There is nothing wrong with expecting the best. There is nothing wrong about expecting the unexpected. There is nothing wrong with fixing our excesses and the things that must be fixed. There is nothing wrong with correcting our incorrectness.  There is nothing wrong with being prepared. And there is nothing wrong with seeking relief. Keep being your best in whatever you do. I wish you a glorious day.  Greetings from your son-brother-friend...: Kwesi Yirenkyi ©KYB ✍🏿11/05/2021


Every name has a meaning and a reason. Anyone with a name assumes some form of repute or responsibility in any society.  The meanings ascribed to each name differ.   Often the accolade in some names come with titles. Although this generation is accused of having an overbearing sense of entitlement to every right, perhaps it is vital to interrogate the whys.  That said,  it is instructive that people with titles of claim and titles of qualification lives.  There are titles of fame and pompous titles self-worth.  There are titles of honour and titles of recognition and reward.  There are titles of appreciation that somehow makes nonsense of distinct titles.  There are needless titles of class that only implicate our desire to serve.  There are funny titles of the prestige we either acquire through our desire for attention. Our actions to influence things in certain areas with these titles even chase us to the grave.  Even ...

On This Street

Without surmising to know things we are ignorant about, humility is required for us to live ethically. Showing profound concern for each other is vital since all of us will someday vacate this street. We can inch closer to the heavens by making our homes and society a haven of love for one another.  Take care on this Friday street.  I wish you a wonderful weekend.  KYB ✍🏿®26-03-2021

New Consciousness

Knowing what we know, and knowing what we perceive often, is good. Knowing what we like to know, and knowing what we ought to know, is better. But knowing the hidden truth about our life and knowing the TRUE reasons behind our being through all the changing seasons is best. 🌱🌿 Greetings.  ©KYB ✍🏿27/04/2021

Sound Line

The humanness of humanity is best expressed in the true spirit of humility. Humility is a fundamental quality we all must strive to possess in life while keeping a sane disciplined deposition and a deep faith in Hope every hour. Be preserved and protected. Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿26/04/2021

🌼Living Seeds🌾

With every Sunshine, hope is renewed.  With every raindrop, growth soars with life.  With every new day, the quest for survival surges. Each week brings new possibilities. Each week evokes new energies.  But indoors of these days are seeds. These living seeds bear fresh strive. These seeds are present in our hearts. As the bearer of these seeds, As a carrier of these precious seeds, Your effort to live and plant these seeds is vital. May you be strengthened to plant these seeds. May your living seeds grow and blossom. May it breed good fruits and give shades to others. Greetings   ©KYB ✍🏿11/04/2021

A Good Friday

It was good for obvious reason. The narrative is a sad happy one. The sacrifice and humility is symbolic. It's a crucial mission of love and service, Which we should still care about. I wish you a good Friday  And blessed new month. Stay safe. Stay blessed ©KYB ✍🏿2/04/21

Bail Baalé

Hailing Baalé In the beautiful belly of the green mini-city forest was this bustling Baalé. O! Yes! It's Baalé and not the Barley you are thinking of.  It gracefully flowed along its beautiful course meandering through the lush green wetlands dotted with rich stilt which nourishes plants.  As late as the 90s through 2015, some Fisher folks still bragged about fishing from Baalé and its tributaries. Those were the days the visitors hailed River Baalé. But Baalé didn't dance to the accolades and coyly slid under the bushes and surfaces again and again. It gaily flowed from the breast of the Gonsé Hills through the laughing valleys of Gbawe, and zero green meadows, then flowing stylishly into the sea.  Nailing Baalé Beyond hailing Baalé, the grandchildren of our land tried nailing it by gradually leasing spaces skirting around her, as close as her banks for building projects. With its attractive scenery, a lot of suitors came with their prices, and year-in-year-out, our chil...

Profound Concern

Without surmising to know things we are ignorant about, humility is required for us to live ethically. Showing profound concern for each other is vital since all of us will someday vacate this street. We can inch closer to the heavens by making our homes and society a haven of love for one another.🐿🐼🐿 Take care on this Friday street.  I wish you a wonderful weekend.  KYB ✍🏿®26-03-2021

Little Things

Appreciate the little moments of bliss. Relish the little blessings of this day. And take nothing for granted.  Greetings from me to you. 🌿 ©KYB ✍🏿24/03/2021

Different Perspectives

Adversity sometimes brings out the best and the worst in people. Sometimes things may be quite different and may require a tact for us to understand. You have to even be receptive to the distinct opinions at play as you delve into the realities. In all these, one should be guided on every step and move on this way. Do have a pleasant week. ©KYB ✍🏿21/03/2021

The Conditions

Every engagement comes with its conditions. Every situation comes with its constraints.  Every opportunity also comes with its conditions.  You might know some of these conditions, while not knowing others.  Whether you know them or not, they are active and binding.  Although no condition is permanent, it's good to learn the intricacies in them and the new ones. But to survive on this landscape of conditions demands that we pay attention and act tactfully. As you amble this Friday evening, remember the binding conditions of life and act with care. Wish you a pleasant, Weekend. ©KYB ✍🏿12/03/2021

A Litany of Gratitude

In everything, we are advised to give thanks. So thank God for the gift of our lives. Thank God for the gift of His Love for us. Thank God for the gift of good sight. Thank God for the gift of our limbs. Thank God for the gift of our ears. Thank God for the gift of the air we breathe. Thank God for the gift of energy. Thank God for the gift of family & friends Thank God for the gift of our enemies. Thank God for our peculiar experiences. Thank God for the challenges & problems we go through. Thank God for the lives of our teachers. Thank God for the unique moments of our lives. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for being a mentor. Thank you for being a teacher. Thank you for your caring to care. Thank you for saying a silent prayer. Thank you for your good wishes. Thank you for sparing time to read. Thank you for being part of humanity. Thank you for helping me to be good. Thank you for the unique roles you play in life. Thank you for giving me a reason to smile. Thank yo...

Care to Connect

Care to connect with your loved ones. Care to communicate with them often. Care to reach out to your neighbours. Care to value your relationships. Chastise them with candour if you must. Correct them today if there's a need. But celebrate people if there's a need. Care to connect because 'time no dey'. Greetings   ©KYB ✍🏿09/03/2021

Your Unique Zeal

Your story is distinct.  Your strength is amazing.  Your capacity is special.  Your voice is relevant in this void.   Though the hurdles are unfriendly, The uneasy route may still be rough. These tricky paths changes with time, That's why we shouldn't STOP the call. And we can get results if,  We so choose the challenge. Choose to challenge the odds. Choose to vocalize your voice. Choose to campaign for change. And choose to be the change. We must choose to be unique, Because there's a need for us. We must choose the strategy, To make our elegant voices relevant. May your efforts, To make the world a fairer place, And to improve humanity be blessed.  May your unique zeal never wane. Greetings from me to you.  ©KYB ✍🏿08/03/2021


A Nation that has emerged from the factory of several oppressive regimes, should know the essence of its political independence. A Nation that is blessed with a rich history of PEOPLE who held the touch of Afrika's liberation and a lot of others who collectively sacrificed and toiled to see this dream live, should know the value of true service and patriotism. A Nation that remembers its past and celebrates its achievements, should be ready to not only mobilise for the future but inspire and stir a renewed sense of determination, patriotism, and consciousness to guide our efforts to build our Nation and continue this course. However, it is sad, the narrative of our politico-economic growth continues to be saddled with a cycle of indiscipline, poverty, conflicts, corruption, reckless spending resulting in mismanagement, and nepotism among others. It is worrying that we still borrow heavily from our so-called development partners to the extent that we are not even able to fully explo...

Patriotic Creed

PATRIOTIC CREED:🇬🇭 LIBERATION 🇬🇭 A student once asked me: "Master which tribe do you belong to," I told him without mincing words that  I am an Afrikan and a Ghanaian just like him.  I didn't bother to question the intent of his question but guessed the answer satisfied his curiosity.  Sometimes our allegiance to ourselves, our families, our ethnic groups, our professional associations, or our various religious sects and political parties gradually sucks the relevance of our love for Ghana.  The greed in our creeds; the interests in our inquest;  the burden in balancing the blessings in our unique diversity;   the sins in our souls;  the omissions in our mission;  the cost of the connivance in our corrupt course, and our benign negligence in almost everything we do,  seems to have molested our patriotic affection for our beloved country. In fact, our odd ways seem to make nonsense of the right practical ways of engaging in the affair...

Worry Less

Worry less about the wind out there, Bother less about the naysayer's vibes,  But concentrate your energy to prepare for the sail. Truth is that life is a journey we can't run away from but pursue diligently.  It is a vital sail with some exciting experience. It could also be bits and pieces of moments. Whatever it is to you, keep marching on, With positive thoughts to make the best. May your hustles be blessed. Stay Safe. Take care. ©KYB ✍🏿2/03/2021


Favourite treaties of our time lives.  Fascinating treaties of our relationships follows our fancy every day.  Fundamental treaties of our well-being continues to fall through Fridays.  But what has our attitude towards these treaties been?  What has our affections towards others been?  What has our responsibilities in living the duties these treaties imposes on us been as a people?  Have we been too hypocritical in accepting our failures in fulfilling what we ought to be doing?  Have we been excessively deceiving ourselves of the care we have for each other or have we over  abused the patience in the  trust of these treaties?  Or have we over professed our false piety in the name of loving the  God of Ghanaians, while we selfishly sink a people's empire? May God help us free our spirits, hearts and minds  from all hindrances and make us embrace the truth in these favourable treaties on this blessed  day.  TGIF. Remai...

Good Efforts

It's called chores in the house or home, for which reward or punishment are given in due measure. In our schools, marks or grades are awarded based on how we excel in our exercises or exams. In our workplaces, outputs or productivity largely  determines the rewards entrepreneurs or employers pay for labour. Good works and commitment count in religion, which for many complements our faith, prayer, actions in the overall redemption or salvation affairs. They may be given different names, with different descriptions, but whether they are our daily duties, task, services, work, labour, exercise, examination, practices, and commitment, efforts are required.  Human efforts are greatly required to help manifest divine blessing and our innate dreams.  As you walk in the gaiety of this day, please never stop exhibiting your good efforts wherever you are.   Kindly continue tapping into the energy of this day and make the best efforts in all you do you.   May God bles...

The Gift of Love

💕 ❤️ 💕  Often it is said to be rare, Sometimes with passion, To compensate for its merit. Somehow it lives as a result Of the truce in our vivid reality. Our meetings breed its odour, In these verifiable images. Yet from its origins, Love is bestowed on humanity, Essentially as a gift, Freely, willingly, unconditionally. Our capacity to care, Our capability to share,  Our ability to be kind, Enables the nurturing of love. Since LOVE is life, In these stories and tributes, It's our innate responsibility, To still love one another, Every day. 💕 ❤️ 💕 Stay safe. Stay blessed. ©KYB ✍🏿14/02/2021

The Right Path

Some tell you the way,  Others show you the way,  While a few guide you on the way. Some insist they know the way,  Although many are still having their way.  We're confronted daily with these choices, With the option of choosing from alternatives, But on this journey of seekers, we still seek. While some may appear smooth, rough, narrow, wide, broad, bushy, weedy, cleared, bumpy or undulating, they are all paths that might seem the right ones to lead us to our destinations.  We are encouraged to assess these paths, Be disciplined enough to walk on the narrow path, And trek on the upright route or path.   There may be temptations, distractions, frustrations or pushovers on this somewhat slippery path. Never forget that. It's not easy walking on the narrow path of progress, but it is worth walking on it.  Meandering through the bumpy path is not a joke. It's not a simple task keeping faith in the right way In all these, never forget why you started. Nev...

Be Gentle With Yourself

Be gentle with yourself in your walk. Be gentle with others in your dealings. Be gentle with the environment you live in. Be gentle with humanity but don't be deceived. Life can be tricky and risky, be willing to learn. Life can be unforgiving, be glad to relearn. Life can be canny and unkind, but be kind. Life can be strange and someway, but live it. Life can be a blessing, embrace it and live. Life can be a school, relish the lesson and live. Life comes in seasons, so live by reason. If there is anything you can do now, do it. If there is any idea you can offer, share it. If there is any kindness you can give, do it. If there are any words worth sharing, say them. If there are any concerns, convey them with tact. If there are any commendation echo them.  Beyond acquiring a decent discipline, be gentle. Beyond achieving a goal of dignity, be generous.  Beyond attaining power and authority, be simple. Beyond accomplishing excellence, be humble. As a pilgrim on this pilgrimage,...

Your Efforts

  We may not all be commissioned, appointed or anointed to do what the Very Important People (V.I.P) do in society. But whether you are a Very Ordinary Person (V.O.P) or nobody in society, you still have a quality and speciality infused in your talents, ideas, energy, skills, knowledge, experiences and all that you are to contribute something to the progress of our well-being.  Even as we make claims to our responsibilities from the duty bearers and those we blame often for systemic failures and ills in our society, may we reflect more on what we can do in our little way to better our lot.  Your positive efforts no matter how insignificant they may be is in high demand today. That is why the onus is on us to still do something worthwhile today while we can, for the good of our future. Have a pleasant evening  Greetings ✨  KYB ✍🏿®02-02-2021.

Simple Dirge

A dirge was sung, For one of our sons, Since his last smile. He shined under this sun, Casting shade of shadows On many near afar. He caused a stir on the scene, Stunned the status quo ante, Stretching the strands of stakes. A simply complex character, On the sentence of his stance, He is a subject to be studied. Superintending over some stunt, Sucks his struts to the shore And reset the stage for seekers. As a soldier with sober grey, He shared some salient space, With a supplementary tenderness. Several sons on this site, Under this sincere sunset, Shall sing silent solo dirges, In salutation to our souls. Fare thee well Senior Kwesi, Stay on Jeremiah John To the coast beyond, Sail gently Papa J Signed by  Another Kwesi ©KYB ✍🏿27/01/2020

What's the Time?

What's the time, please? What's your time too? What says your time? Besides the Greenwich MeanTime, the Eastern Time and Western Time, I hear we have the Ghanaian Time and Afrikan Time.  We are told the tales of biological time. We're tuned to school time, work time and break time. We know of the seasonal time and occupational time. We're taught not to only eat our meals on time but to be on time in our endeavours. We've even learned the dictum of times tables in our stables.  Sometimes we hear bedtime bugs sleeping during the daytime and sucking blood at nighttime.  We know of the historical time, biological time, geographical time, location time, courtship time, happy time, sad time, the planting time, harvest time and limited time. But between gestation Time and our Birth Time, Between our Pastime and the Present time;  Between the starting Time and closing Time;  In-between break time and rest time;  In-between rehearsal time and action time;  In-b...

New Consciousness

It's very easy to take things for granted.  It's even easier to ignore certain warning signs.  But today we are encouraged to be:   √More conscious of these things around you.   √Observant and vigilant of the happenings.   √Mindful of the different rhythms of time and the         syncopating changes in the air.     √Attentive to the Safety Protocols. May the light of truth guide our paths today. May it shine on the darkness surrounding the truth. And May God's grace of mercy touches us.    God bless you in all your endeavours this week. Greetings 🌸 KYB ✍🏿®25-01-2021

Dear You

Dear You With these daily casualties, And the biting crisis on all, It is okay to wonder,  Whether humanity has failed itself? But please take solace in your God and the Note below. To those forgotten and ignored, To those who thirst for love and support, To those burdened and bleeding from the pandemic, To everyone caught in the heat of the tides, To all who experience fear and anxiety, To all dying slowly and broken-hearted, May you be touched specially, May you be comforted and consoled, May you be uniquely strengthened This is a delicate reminder NOT TO GIVE UP. It is also an appeal for you to please stand resolute, and firm. Take care. Sincerely, Kwesi Yirenkyi ©KYB ✍🏿22/01/2020

Be On Guard

The numbers are telling. The figures have known faces. The reminders are omnipresent.   Your safety is still supreme  Be on guard and Take Care. Do observe safety actions. Whatever happens in this curve, Kindly stay positive and be strong. Be vigilant, keep calm and stay safe. May God protect and preserve you. May He preserve your loved ones too. Greetings ✨  KYB ✍🏿®21-01-2021.

Recipe for the Week

To better govern ourselves, We need a dose of prudence and patience, An amount of courage to make good decisions, A portion of tenderness and kindness, A fraction of fair intent and optimism, A bunch of passion to press on, A substantial smile and silence, A ladle of grace to stir our lives. May your week be blessed.  I wish you well. ©KYB ✍🏿18/01/21

Uplift Others

Be the light that illumines the path of others. Be the reason people keep their hopes alive. Be the example of the change you desire. God Bless.  KYB ✍🏿®11-01-2021

True Growth

Confronting realities, embracing new ideas and thinking, as well as stretching the boundaries are embedded in the natural processes. But in all, true growth is still a relentless venture. I believe you and wish you well. Greetings. KYB ✍🏿®8-01--2021

In a People's Creed

I respect the fact that we all have rights. In exercising these rights, we ought to appreciate the wisdom in working together to address our challenges. That said, it is worthwhile to still be disciplined, decorous, reasonable and honest under this dispensation.  We must look beyond our personal or political interests in our attempt to serve our people.  I mean, we have reached the stage where we should critically consider the general good of the common people we campaigned to serve. I still think we can collectively do better having come this far in our Constitutional journey. We can even exceed our targets if we use power judiciously to serve the very people who entrust us with this task.  We might have walked fast or far in this cage, but whether we like it or not we are in this together. And we cannot fail ourselves.  It is my prayer, we never forget the echoes of a People's Creed in this Republic.  God bless us all KYB ✍🏿®7-01-2021