The news of climate change is no secret.
The effects of our actions on earth are known.
The fact remains that we are responsible in a way.
We are aware of the vileness of what we have done, or what we have not done in avoiding this.
We are witnesses to the erratic weather patterns and the gradual decline of rainfall.
We know the discomfort in the uncertain seasonal tunes.
And we do know the dangers if nothing concrete is done. The fact that we cannot turn back the clock doesn't mean we cannot act.
We can each take up the task of planting and growing trees, and making our cities green.
We clean our rivers and reclaim our wastelands.
We can grow gardens, change our diets and be intentional in saving our ecosystem.
Whether as culprits or saviours, the time to act to restore our ecosystem is now.
Since we are the generation that can make peace with nature, we all should take an active interest in working to making our natural habitat breathe again.
As stewards entrusted with our environment by our ancestors in trust for the next generation we have every duty to preserve and not deplete it.
This is the hour to ACT. Stand up and be counted.
Be bold and not timid in taking this action.
I wish you a wonderful weekend.
KYB ✍๐ฟ®05-06-2021
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