Be Courageous & Fearless

It gives some a constant and gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach.
Others drink more or smoke more because of it.

It causes some people to be right on the edge of success and then sabotage their own efforts.

It's killed more dreams and ruined more careers than all other causes combined.

Yes many relationships suffer from the its frustration and several incorrigible suicide cases could directly or indirectly be linked to it.

FEAR may be the worst enemy of the human species. And it's been with us since the beginning. The Book of Genesis speaks of fear and it appears throughout the Bible, Torah and Koran. Who can forget the classic line from the Old Testament that was delivered by Job when he said, "That which I feared most has come upon me."

In fact, it seems the older we get the more prone we are to allowing fear to control our lives.

And right now, with the worst financial crisis of our lifetime (brought on in large part by FEAR) continuing to cast its shadow to every corner of the world, fear is rearing its ugly head in more people's lives than ever.

Finding the solution is right within you and it would surprise you how powerful we are, should we highlight more of our positives in order to overcome our fears.

To defeat fear all you have to do is to LEARN how to manage it - how to master it, just as Zig Ziglar on numerous occasions puts it "courage is not the absence of fear, but it's the mastery of it."

So FEAR NOT in pursuing your dreams because the Lord your God is with you 24/7 and throughout your life. Trust your instincts but don’t give in to FEAR for it is the greatest enemy that have kept many wishes confined to the cemetary of silence without enough courage to breath life into these dreams. Remain Blessed.
(First published on 25th August 2012)
©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ26/08/21


  1. "for it is the greatest enemy that has kept many wishes confined to the cemetery..." This part sends chills down my spine๐Ÿ‘


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