
Showing posts with the label Gratitude


Concerns of securing our daily bread ๐Ÿž and butter is a priority in our quest for survival. However, the place of gratitude in our lives is an eternal duty of care we MUST remember to always keep. Kindly, relax with the gentle evening moments, while we thank God and everyone who played a part in our journey this day. Remain blessed. ๐ŸŒธ #KYB✍๐Ÿฟ®#


Reconnecting with the moments of our past only refreshes our memories and our sense of being. Reflecting on the changes that has taken place in us, the people and the community we once lived in only strengthens ones resolve to take charge and seek to improve. May God bless us in our strives. Remain blessed.๐ŸŒฟ๐ŸŒฒ☘๐Ÿ€๐Ÿฅ€ #KYB✍๐Ÿฟ®#


It is sobering to realise how people affect our lives. And like Albert Einstein, we must realise that we are what we are based on the labours of others who may be living or dead. We are therefore indebted to our parents for bringing us into the world. We are equally indebted to the Traditional Birth Attendants, Doctors, Midwives, Nurses, orderlies, various aids, friends, family and hospital staff for the part they played in making our arrival safe and healthy. We also owe a debt of gratitude to all our teachers, masters, pastors, priests, imams, mentors, authors, care givers, who taught and instructed us in qualities of character and about the essence of life. The list is endless but the more we thank God and people for being what they were or are to us, the better we understand the goal of life, which is to be good to others. Thank you too for what you are and the part you are playing. You are precious and I am grateful meeting you. Remain blessed and have a blissful week๐ŸŒฟ #KYB✍


The roles of fathers, mothers and children are exemplified in the union of a family. The Care in living these functions is what give rise for our appreciation. For their countless efforts and toils; For their prayers and best wishes; For their affection and good intentions for us; For their many unsaid challenges and trials; Please tell them we are grateful. Tell our Fathers, we appreciate their willingness to share their spirit with us. Tell them we remember the days they had to wake at dawn to go far afield in search of food for us. Please tell them, we cannot forget the many occasions they had to sacrifice in order to provide for us. Tell them we are aware of the many heartaches and sleepless nights they endured, just to make sure we were okay. Tell them, we are grateful for their courage to still discipline and not pamper our awkward ways. Kindly tell our fathers, we acknowledge their invaluable roles in our lives. For their presence or absence; For their love and cont


In the memory of our hearts is gratitude. In the confines of a new day are songs of our appreciation for this gift. Thank God for leading us to the beauty of this new day. Remain blessed on this wonderful Wednesday. ☀๐Ÿ’ซ #KYB✍๐Ÿฟ®#


๐Ÿ’ญIs it about your inner beauty or resilient spirit? Is it about your strength or courage? What explains your  worth and zeal? What makes you so  special to humanity and yet so simple and meek? What is it about your name that we can't forget or erase? And how can we compensate for all your time in nursing and nurturing us to grow? How can we pay you for accepting to be our natural gateway to existence? Hah! I knew it is within  your DNA & Character trait to care, to comfort and to complement our Fathers. I might not  know all your fears, pains and tears you shed silently just to live & be. I didn't know the pleasure of risks you took yesterday and just a while ago to make our homes come alive and our lives better.  And yet God made you special to perform this role in a lifetime. Ayekoo to you for your  efforts, toils and triumph as a Mother.  And Thank You for being a Mother to us  yesterday, today and tomorrow. Thank you for the sacrifices you made or will


Some time in April we activated our love. Some time in April we anticipated quality rains. Some time in April we expected beautiful yields. Some time in April we hoped for fair sunshine. Some time in April we checked our hope levels. Some time in April we invoked the mores of Care. Some time in April we remembered our resolutions to live cheerful lives. Some time! O! Some time! Yes! Some time in April we remember our duty to still render GRATITUDE to the benevolent God who blessed us with a new month. Remain blessed.


Thank God for the gift of our lives. Thank God for the gift of His Love for us. Thank God for the gift of good sight. Thank God for the gift of our limbs. Thank God for the gift of our ears. Thank God for the gift of the air we breath. Thank God for the gift of energy. Thank God for the gift of family & friends Thank God for the gift of our enemies. Thank God for our peculiar experiences. Thank God for the challenges & problems we go through. Thank God for the lives of our teachers. Thank God for the unique moments of our lives. Thank you for being a friend. Thank you for being a brother & sister. Thank you for caring to care. Thank you for saying a silent prayer. Thank you for the good wishes. Thank you for sparing time to read. Thank you for being part of humanity. Thank you for teaching me the art of being good. Thank you for the various unique roles you play in life. Thank you for always giving me a reason to smile and a sense of belonging. Thank


Never forget the favourable favours you received in February. Never forget the goodness of the Lord. Never forget the saving grace of God. Never forget the little blessings He still rains on your life and on your love ones. Never forget to acknowledge the sparing gifts He showers on you daily. Never forget to pay homage to the LORD, with a generous spirit. Never forget to keep a cheerful countenance with every passing moment. Never forget to give thanks to the Most High for bringing us here. Await the birth of a solemn beautiful dawn of a wondrous month, even as you unwind from the task in a Tuesday. Remain blessed. Greetings beloved. ๐ŸŒท #KYB✍๐Ÿฟ®#


๐ŸŒทI am 'flabberwhelmed' by all the beautiful wishes and kind words you sent me today. ๐ŸŒทI am inundated by all your silent sanctifying prayers. ๐ŸŒทI am greatly indebted to you for your love, concern and kind support over this while. ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸฟAnd indeed my gratitude is not enough to express all my  appreciation. ๐ŸŽ™Songs of praises are not enough to thank God and you for all you are to me. ๐Ÿ‘๐ŸฟWith a sincere heartfelt❣ gratitude, kindly accept my appreciation, for the good wishes, the love, prayers, support, time and assistance that contributed in making this day a memorable Remembrance Day. May God also bless and remember you in all your endeavours. I am grateful .๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน๐ŸŒน Yours me, (KYB✍๐Ÿฟ๐Ÿ˜˜)


Were you surprised about the outcome? Were you surprised by the turn of event? Were you surprised by the trend of how it all happened? Perhaps we all heard the currents of waves yesterday, which traveled through the night. Perhaps we all saw the dancing results from the kingmakers, who spoke like their forebears. And the victory message echoed a warm gratitude to all who supported the movement. With a cheerful heart, kindly permit me to also recognised you this evening: Thank you for being part of the people who held my hand to walk. Thank you for your role in helping me to talk and talk well. Thank you for helping me learn the discipline of reading, reasoning and thinking in order to write. Thank you for challenging me to listen more and voice my thoughts. Thanks for being part of the wonderful people, I relate with every now and then. Thanks for accepting me as a son, brother, friend and fellow human being. Thanks for the important impact you are making on this pilgrimag


While minutes seek the counts of moments in days, weeks and months, the shadows of years still tickle a lively tune. And tallying the countless blessings of every stage of this journey is perhaps a difficult task to behold. But with warm thoughts of affection, let celebrate the Almighty Eternal FATHER of our forefathers and the mother of our 'foremothers', who planted humanity here and blessed mankind with resilient faith to be part of a rich history of procreators. Let every tongue thank God for His undying love, mercies and kindness. Let every lip proclaim His goodness in an unending praise, because He has not condemned us for all our unworthy ways. Be blessed. Good evening๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฟ #KYB ✍#


Can you comprehend all that happens within a second or minute throughout the world? Can you really explain how, who and what still sustains and steers life through all the ages and generations? Can you phantom the amount of energy, efforts and time invested in creating you? Can you measure the quantum of care, love and grace God Almighty has blessed us with? He is that kind God who still journey with us day and night. He is that healer who heals us of all our afflictions. He is still the Living God who wakes us up from our sleep every day. We cannot count all the blessings He pours on our path. We cannot fully quantify all His good deeds in our lives. And although we cannot fully understand all His intricate ways, and grasp the meanings of all the events of life, we still have to make time to thank Him. In his 1st Letter to the Thessalonians, St. Paul entreats us to always give thanks to God in all circumstances (see 1 Thess 5:18). So do not forget to thank God for how far H


For all the energy He grants us; For all the blessings and favours He pours on us;  For all the care He still offers us even in our unworthiness; We give thanks to Yahweh for His goodness to us. Let's give thanks to God whose faithful love endures forever. Let's give thanks to the Lord of lords for His kindness transcends through all ages. Let's give thanks to the God of gods, who alone works unimaginable wonders. He made the heavens in His infinite wisdom. He made the earth, the waters, the trees and animals. He created man out of love and sustained our breath on the generous thread of life till this day (Psalm 136:1-7) He has blessed us with the gift of daylight and brought us to a successful close of day. He also blessed us with all the unique experiences we now recall in this day. He has also cared and protected us through this day. So let's thank God for all He's done for us this day. "The Word of God is a lamp unto your feet and light to your


From January to January, we've heard intriguing news of the jingles in our smiles. From January to February, we've heard frivolous tales of our begging state. From January to March, we've matched the transitional tricks of our Masters shadows. From January to April, we've argued our approaches to advance the adverse averages in our areas. From January to May, we've marvelled at God's marvellous mercies on our merciless murky moves. From January to June, we've juggled and survived the trauma of needless perennial deaths in disasters. From January to July, we've juggle through the journey of jogging with our limping economy and the possibility of borrowing more or jetting to sign IMF's bitter relief. From January to August, we've adjusted the distasteful grief in our creed of greed which still bleeds the blessings in our nation. From January to September, we've stepped and stumbled on the sages in our salutations. From January to O


We've been through better and bitter tides of blessings over the year. We've seen and heard many interesting and unpalatable news over the year. We've walked and talked through our thoughts of affection in solidarity this year.  Our hope in the rich possibilities of Life, with Divine touch has brought us this far. Fact is that God has been good to us, no matter our challenges, misgivings and troubles. Though we may be imperfect, we cannot stop trying. We cannot stop rethinking and walking our talk. Although we may not have a smooth ride in life and we may not be where we desire to be, Martin Luther King reminds us that "we must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite Hope." For making time to read these pieces every day, thank you. For making time to share your thoughts, I am grateful. For making those useful suggestions to improve this art, I am greatly indebted. Thank you for stoking fire in this creative belief. Thank you for ch