Were you surprised about the outcome?
Were you surprised by the turn of event?
Were you surprised by the trend of how it all happened?
Perhaps we all heard the currents of waves yesterday, which traveled through the night.
Perhaps we all saw the dancing results from the kingmakers, who spoke like their forebears.

And the victory message echoed a warm gratitude to all who supported the movement.
With a cheerful heart, kindly permit me to also recognised you this evening:

Thank you for being part of the people who held my hand to walk.
Thank you for your role in helping me to talk and talk well.
Thank you for helping me learn the discipline of reading, reasoning and thinking in order to write.
Thank you for challenging me to listen more and voice my thoughts.
Thanks for being part of the wonderful people, I relate with every now and then.
Thanks for accepting me as a son, brother, friend and fellow human being.
Thanks for the important impact you are making on this pilgrimage.
Thanks for caring to encourage me to keep doing my best.

Do accept my gratitude for the part you've played in helping the KYB vessel sail this far.
And don't be surprised about the happening in life but be blessed for all the good deeds and all your good intentions. Greetings.👏🏿👏🏿🌹👏🏿👏🏿🌸🍇🌷
#KYB ✍#


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