For all the energy He grants us;
For all the blessings and favours He pours on us; 
For all the care He still offers us even in our unworthiness;
We give thanks to Yahweh for His goodness to us.
Let's give thanks to God whose faithful love endures forever.
Let's give thanks to the Lord of lords for His kindness transcends through all ages.
Let's give thanks to the God of gods, who alone works unimaginable wonders.
He made the heavens in His infinite wisdom.
He made the earth, the waters, the trees and animals.
He created man out of love and sustained our breath on the generous thread of life till this day (Psalm 136:1-7)
He has blessed us with the gift of daylight and brought us to a successful close of day.
He also blessed us with all the unique experiences we now recall in this day.
He has also cared and protected us through this day.
So let's thank God for all He's done for us this day.
"The Word of God is a lamp unto your feet and light to your path."(Psalm 119:105)
Remain blessed and have a beautiful evening. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿพ
‪#‎KYB‬ Signs# 


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