A new day indicates His beautiful signature, while the little details of daylight showcases His awesomeness.
From the tricky and unavoidable traps of our sleep, He still ensures we wake up with renewed energy.
What can we say about this Supreme Deity, who still dares to care, even with our limitations.

With each new day, we somehow know the Sun will rise and follow a particular order.
We're assured of the order in nature which we rely on to plan.
Sometimes, we don't even know how we get to know what we know and what really happens in our sleep and in the depth of the night. But the naked truth is that, there's a Creator behind this creation, who's invisible attributes are eternal.
His power and divinity, we all cannot comprehend.

In fact, it's not enough to just acknowledge this truth but to revere Him and preserve His creation as grateful creatures.

It's also proper for us to declare the glory of God this day and proclaim His handiworks to all.
Let's accord Him all the praise due Him, for mighty are His deeds.
With gratitude to this Creator God, may we always remember to respect His creation while blessing His Holy name.

He's very close to you this day and still care's for your well-being.
May He bless you with strength and insight to know Him more, live His will and accomplish your mission here. Take care and do have a terrific Tuesday. God bless.
#KYB ✍🏿®#


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