Novena at Noon

Proper names of nouns nailed necessary Notes,
On Notices of news in Natures' Newspapers,
But when the nine neurons neared the noon sea,
It cast a long nostalgic naughty net on the November sky again.
And again a novena at noon sang the never ending notes of gratitude to all.

So this novena remembers the tenacity of souls on arrival on this pilgrimage.
It remembers the delight in the names of infants.
It remembers the many dribbling stories of days.

The noon novena was peaceful and beautiful.
It was a serene and yet shrouded in mystery.
It was a mix blessing conditions pieced together with many anecdotes of different disciplines.
The novel novena captures the rough sails under the patronage of many captains.
Their drills of discipline paid off in a many ways.

So today if we have survived the vagaries of the weather;
If we can still live the love of yesteryear,
With little or no supervision to climb high,
Then those involved in these engagements,  deserve our due recognition.

To those who cared to support us grow;
To those who helped us learned life's many languages;
To those who reached out to us when we were needy;
To those who were kind to offer us water to quench our thirst;
To those who taught us beautiful lessons of life;
To those who constantly encouraged us to rise;
To those who accompanied us by keeping the faith;
We say a big thank you.

To the people who saw in us what we couldn't see when we were in the trenches;
To the people who believed in our abilities;
To whoever who spared a prayer for us;
To those who constantly checked on us;
To whoever who said no to us yesterday;
And to our cherished admirers, readers and everyone who wished us well;
I am eternally grateful for your time and efforts.
I won't forget your deed and may history be kind to you and your families.

In fact, if Kwesi et al can still recite the creeds of the Village Republic and breathe the blue brave bonds of people in this Novena at Noon,
Then we should thank the Most High for His care.

And in praying this Novena at Noon, please remember than I still value, appreciate and celebrate our connections and your support.

Take care. God bless you.
©KYB ✍🏿09/11/19


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