Every Moment
Every moment of your life is worth living, so live it to the fullest.
Every good action is worth taking, so act now and don't regret later.
Every good decision is a prerequisite for us, so don't make yours trying to please or impress anyone.
Every good idea is worth exploring, so explore it and never fill sorry for doing so.
Every good action is worth taking, so act now and don't regret later.
Every good decision is a prerequisite for us, so don't make yours trying to please or impress anyone.
Every good idea is worth exploring, so explore it and never fill sorry for doing so.
What you eat is vital, so take care of your diet and eat more fresh organic foods: vegetables, fruits, and raw grains.
Your health is important, so exercise and don't be too indulgent in pleasurable things.
Your life is precious, so keep calm, worry less, reflect on how better you can improve on situations.
Your mind-set is key, so keep positive thoughts of life and hope for the best.
Your health is important, so exercise and don't be too indulgent in pleasurable things.
Your life is precious, so keep calm, worry less, reflect on how better you can improve on situations.
Your mind-set is key, so keep positive thoughts of life and hope for the best.
Yes, we need to get serious in life, but find a reason to laugh more with authentic smiles.
We need to get busy because boredom could be terrible, but let's keep an active network of relations, even as we do more of those activities we love.
We need to get busy because boredom could be terrible, but let's keep an active network of relations, even as we do more of those activities we love.
Money is needed to do a lot of things but is not everything, so don't waste your energy chasing it.
Just do what you love and it will come.
Life is not all about success. Your daily efforts count, so be honest and wear that aura of integrity.
Stress is killing more people, so do what you love to do and do it with a joyful heart.
We need effective strategies and plans to guide us in life, but keeping an active prayer life and a responsive attitude towards life will certainly get us through this journey of life. Long live dear One and may God bless you.
Greetings #KYB Sign#™
Stress is killing more people, so do what you love to do and do it with a joyful heart.
We need effective strategies and plans to guide us in life, but keeping an active prayer life and a responsive attitude towards life will certainly get us through this journey of life. Long live dear One and may God bless you.
Greetings #KYB Sign#™
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