There is a conscious trust in life.
There is a favourable trust we assume in our dealings with each other.
There is also an unsigned note of trust we have in the things we do.

But with time we have come to TRUST God to wake us up in good health every morning.
With time we TRUST that our Parents will always be there for us, while our parents too
trust that we their children too will be of good behaviour and grow into responsible adults.
We TRUST that our teachers will not only teach what the books say but will challenge
and inspire us to think outside the box.
We TRUST that the food we buy from the food vendor are wholesome and uncontaminated.
We TRUST that our Engineers will help build quality roads and lasting projects.
We TRUST that the Leaders we entrust our homes and nation to will do a good job governing.
We TRUST our Religious leaders will lead exemplary lives and guide us to salvation.
We TRUST that human beings will be humane, trustworthy and good at all time.
We TRUST everything will go on well, praying that nothing untoward happens.
Whatever we do in life there are different levels of TRUST, we knowingly and unknowingly accord in our engagement.
Whatever we do we operate on different TRUST level, so watch your trust level.
Just watch your TRUST Level as you move around.
Stay Blessed.
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