Remember O! remember who you're man.
Remember that time and hour is fleeting but God alone is constant.
We live in a world of challenges, trials, trivialities and tribulations but remember who you are.
Remember that it's for your good that the Prophets of old, Jesus Christ and all the good or bad people who came to this world.
Remember that it's by grace that we all live and God doesn't owe us anything but just loves you.
Remember where you were yesterday and how you've got here today, and give thanks to whoever gratitude is due.
Remember your roots and your collaborators, and be mindful that people are part of the design to get you where God intends to get you.
Remember to keep things in their right perspective as you listen to good reason or that true voice in your heart.
Remember that the whole world is under the sway of evil, but God is mighty and able to deliver.
Remember, that great and marvelous are the works of the Lord and that greater is he who is in you.
At all times Remember, God's near and that prayer still delivers, empowers, heals us, and reveal God's plans to us.
And Remember to be good because you're Blessed.
Greetings 🌻
‪#‎KYB‬ Sign#™


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