
Hello September

On the wings of hope and providence, another serene smiling September arrives. With our experiences, and moderate expectations setting the tone, let's sail with confidence that the Lord is our side. And as we step into the door of September's warm bosom, may we continue to: S-trive to E-volve a P-ositive T-iming to E-ntertain the M-ighty B-lessings of E-ternal R-elevance. May God's grace locate you and sustain you in all your worthy endeavours. Good morning and have blessed Month. ๐ŸŒท๐ŸŒธ Remain Blessed ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ01/09/21

With A Human Touch

As the daylight filters through the skies, As you wake in this new week, It's my fervent wish you discover more of the mysteries of our interconnectedness in your experience of the abundant gift of life. Your existence, no doubt is an extention of the divine and with every human touch, humanity is elevated. This is because in every moment the divine essence touches our lives, and tickles us to equally endeavour to bring this reality home by extending this genuine concern to others. So let it be said today that because of your care, someone smiles. Let it be said that by virtue of your mindfulness a generation is blessed. Let it be recorded that by your connection with the divine, your presence edifies and inspires the lives of others wherever you step. I wish you a blessed week. ๐Ÿ™Œ Have a pleasant sunny Day. ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ29/08/21

Be Courageous & Fearless

It gives some a constant and gnawing pain in the pit of the stomach. Others drink more or smoke more because of it. It causes some people to be right on the edge of success and then sabotage their own efforts. It's killed more dreams and ruined more careers than all other causes combined. Yes many relationships suffer from the its frustration and several incorrigible suicide cases could directly or indirectly be linked to it. FEAR may be the worst enemy of the human species. And it's been with us since the beginning. The Book of Genesis speaks of fear and it appears throughout the Bible, Torah and Koran. Who can forget the classic line from the Old Testament that was delivered by Job when he said, "That which I feared most has come upon me." In fact, it seems the older we get the more prone we are to allowing fear to control our lives. And right now, with the worst financial crisis of our lifetime (brought on in large part by FEAR) conti...

Each Day & Night

Each day you wake up, is someone's last moment. Each night you sleep, might be the last time for someone. These notwithstanding every day is precious, and every night is inevitable. Every moment of your life is vital so don't waste it on trivial things. Whatever happen in these curves, try to live a legacy, love humanity and leave quietly. Be blessed ๐Ÿ™Œ ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ22/08/21

Relevance of Work

The relevance of your works, And the quality of your efforts, Will be acknowledged one day. Indeed, when you're inspired and fired up to execute a task, there's no room for laxity to relent until the goal is accomplished. This energy or inspiration acts like a boiling action in your bones which makes you restless, and propells you to surmount any obstacle, till the job is done. Greetings ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ26/7/21

People Matter

People matter and you matter. People are unique and different, just like you. It is wrong to expect everyone to be like you and do the same things you do.    However, since tomorrow is never promised, please let us learn to appreciate every moment we share with others, because they are priceless.  Let us learn to appreciate each other once they are alive, because we will all vacate this space one day. To those who greive, be consoled. To those who rejoice, be glad. To those struggling with one challenge or the other, may you be strengthened. Times may not permit us to recount how the people factor has inspired or affected us in many separate sequence. But for making time to read these pieces, I appreciate you a lot because you are valuable.  Greetings from me to you ©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ10/07/21

A Yawning Quest

Funny waves of odd practices still lingers, amidst the blessings from sunrise to sunset. We hear credible and incredible news from various news rooms across the globe, featuring facts and fallacies. From many countless narratives of our time, we see many fault lines of departure from what ought to be. From one incident to another chaotic one, the world seems to be reeling under a stubborn spell of indiscipline, hatred, greed, impunity and a state of anarchy. The absence of authentic care for one another, the reduction of everything to monetary value and disregard for basic precepts has eroded our collective human value. The equation of success to the capitalist and socialist view points, places less value on holistic human development. The era where everything goes just because of one's richness or affluence and influence is worrying. The situation where one's close affinity to power gives them some aura of invisibility to act with impunity is a deadly ...