Did I hear the Democrats belch?
Did I hear the Patriots chuckle?
Or did I hear the hissing of the Nationalists?

We have heard and overheard their loud pleas for votes by the various voices.
We have listened to their hourly sweet persuasive words and reasons in our cottages, hamlet, villages, ghettos, towns, and cities.
We debated the possibility and impossibility of their views and propositions.
And they all begged for our votes or endorsement after telling us how they uniquely love us while mocking and exposing the sins of their opponents.

But what none of them is telling us is their true motive for seeking power or wanting to stay on in power.
The terrible truth, however, is that our leaders are seeking to be Lords instead of being the sensitive Servants they ought to be.

A lot of interests come to play in the scheme of affairs, and I doubt if this democracy of elections is actually helping us address the real challenges we face as a society.

It is my prayer that we grow more to understand the metrics of living together and working together for the progress of our motherland.

Take care of yourself, even as you exercise your civic right tomorrow.
Take care of your thoughts and never become a martyr for any politician.
Still Keep the peace, cherish your life and preserve the cordiality we share in our diversity. God bless you.🇬🇭

#KYB ✍🏿 # First published on 6th December 2016.


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