Watch These Things

Watch what you say when you are angry or pushed to the wall.
Watch your tongue whenever you are elated or excited.
Watch your appetite in every situation, be it for money, for pleasure or power.
Watch your tendency to over indulge in your tactics and approaches.
Watch your attitude when you deeply want or need something.
Watch your attitude when you are tempted to abuse your privileges.
Watch the footprints you leave on digital spaces.
Watch the history you write about yourself in other spaces of your life.

Observe your interest in life and in the things you do.
Observe people's interest in you and watch whether they're still attracted to you when they no longer get what they want or need from you.
Watch those who call you friend, and value those who have been around you when the music tempo of your life slows down.

Due to the tendency of people to abuse their privileges, it is good to observe those who claim they love you.
To tell you the truth, there are a lot of fake people out there, so watch who you share your story with.

Sometimes it's good to give people the benefit of the doubt that they won't do what you suspect they could do.
Sometimes it's about the trends we create and how we value the time others make in our lives.
Whatever it is that motivates us to do what we do, please let's respect the lines and watch out for traps in our convenience or in our world.

As you go out today, please LISTEN to the rhythms of life and do value those who go the extra mile for you.

Remain blessed
Good Day
#KYB ✍🏿®#


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