Heritage of People

Our gratitude lives in every shine of the Sun.
Our hope is hyped on the hinges of our dreams.
Even with our peculiar complex challenges of time.
The legacies of our ancestors and our efforts to reach that glorious end,
Reinforces and reinvigorates us to keep on moving forward in grace.


But as we celebrate the honour in our pride and the essences of our reality,
As we march to the tunes of our hope and dreams,
May we be ever blessed with the intrinsic values to collectively leave priceless legacies for generations yet unborn.
May we ready ourselves to work together in our own small ways to institute projects that will outlive our relevance and make the Afrikan the great, resilient people we should be.
May we be willing enough to sacrifice our comfort for the betterment of our future, so that we can boldly relive the beauty in our heritage and re-clothe ourselves to be culturally relevant. 
In this fight, are we alone?
Are we alone in walking this thought of our heritage?
Are we alone in making the right progress we ought to make?
Have we lost the steam to care for our common vision of being truly independent?

Certainly, we are not alone in this fight for our survival and well-being. 
The spirits of our ancestors (saints) are here with us.
The goodwill of the unborn children are with us.
The greed of the evil one still lurk around us.
But with the hand of the almighty God still guiding us, may we apply ourselves to the values and virtues that will help us build rich lasting legacies for the good of our people and our continent.
God bless us all.
#KYB ✍®#


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