Lest we forget our worth as a people in trying times.

Lest we forget the dignity of life and treasures in each person.

Lest we forget to respect and protect life.

Lest we forget the deadly sting in our sins.

Lest we forget our hope to live and grow.

Lest we forget our responsibility to lead worthy lives.

Lest we forget our resolve to give off our best this day.

Lest we forget the truth that time is fleeting and waits for no man.

Lest we forget to make effective use of time this day.

Lest we forget our duty to take care of ourselves and our environment.

Lest we forget our commitment and duty to be good.

Lest we forget the dream killers and the amulets in their smiles.

Lest we forget the burden our constant complains places on our convictions.

Lest we forget the beautiful experiences of yesterday and the lessons in our history.

Lest we forget the plus positive attitude adds to our altitude.

Lest we forget the power of positive thinking in unlocking new possibilities.

Lest we forget the goodness gratitude bestows on us.

Lest we forget the redemptive grace of God in our goings and coming.

Lest we forget our source of strength and courage.

Lest we forget the power in prayer and the grace in God's Providence.

The Sun is up again, shining and blessing us with vitality.
May we never forget to count our blessings this day. And may God bless you with sincere hearts to do what we ought to do. Be Inspired. Good day.🍀


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