Is there a limit to your awesomeness?
Is there a limit to your wondrous inputs?
Is there a limit to your goodness?
You're still a wonderful creature I admire.
I still admire your tender smiles.

Although the waves from Kintampo nearly spoilt our tender smiles, we must spare a second of the 84,6000 seconds in a day to express gratitude for the gift of our lives.
Let's LISTEN more to the rhythms of life.
Let's share more expressive words with each other.
Let's wear dignifying smiles, even while we take cautious steps to take care of our lives.
Let's take steps to think positively, act positively, and impact positively for the good of all.
Thank you for being awesome today.  God bless you. Take care🌷🌻🌷
*KYB® #


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