We were told water is life.
We were taught water is vital.
We also learned of the therapeutic abilities of water, as well as it's refreshing nature.

There is no doubt there is energy in water.
It is a fact water contributes to the growth of living organisms (you & I inclusive). There is treasure in water.

But it wasn't for fun that historians alluded to the fact that the 'Nile is Egypt & Egypt is the Nile'.
It wasn't for nothing that human settlements are situated near a source of water.
It wasn't for nothing that farmlands are located near water bodies.
However, it is sad reality how the search for treasure in our water bodies is leading to the cruel murder of this age old treasure.
It is a terrible phenomena to pollute our water bodies on this large scale with heavy metals and pesticides, all in the name of mining, farming or fishing gold.
It is a dangerous affair to indulge in acts that destroys this precious treasure.

So as you quench your thirst with a cup of water;
As you fetch that bucket of water or turn on the shower tab this moment,
Let's reflect on how to preserve & protect this precious treasure, even as we imbibe the sustainable ways of using it.  Take care and have a blessed time.
God bless. ☄💧
*KYB✍🏿® #


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