

In AD 2006 through to 2009, a friend and I enjoyed plantain chips sold on the streets of Accra. Between the same period, or even before then, a lot of sachet water 'pure water' businesses appeared and disappeared. Our 'fufu' has always known the terrible death of being cooked and pounded over and over again mixed with sweats. Since independence, our cocoa-gold economy has not seen any drastic change. Not even the black gold (oil) could change our import led economy. From my Village Republic to Accra and the few places I have  been over the years, we've always celebrated Christmas practically in the same manner. Yet we've never stopped preaching the same old sermons whose flavours no longer affect our too stubborn souls. We've never stopped dancing to old tunes when there's nothing to dance about. We've never stopped copying or applying the old notes, when the rhythm of the time keeps changing.  We've never stopped recit


What's in a name that people should hear about? What's in your name that confers honour on you? What's in a name that bestows power on the owner?  What's in a name that breathes identity on us? Whatever is in a name? Whatever the meaning of names might be? Whatever burdens or privileges names carry; reality is that names give us  responsibility. Names create continuity and extend divinity to bearers. And the undeniable fact is that we all have a name. But a good name blesses our memory with quality smiles. Though I might not know the whole meaning of your name, what I know is that there's a purpose and duty in our names, which challenges us to live in a certain way.  So let's find this purpose and live them. Yes! You can change your name if it does not resonate the true purpose in your quest but be careful about that move. That God has blessed you, may there always be work for your hands to do. Amen πŸ™πŸΏ May your purpose


Can a woman forget her baby at the breast, or fail to cherish the child of her womb? Yet even if a mother forgets, I will never forget you, says the Lord. (Isaiah 49:15) Therefore remember that God still cares for you.  Remember, His Love and mercies endures forever. Remember to proclaim the greatness of this God whose love accomplishes great things in us. May the glory of the Lord shine on you today. Like the sun, may it rise over you today. Like the air, may it blow over all your challenges and cover you this day. Like the sky, may God's glory keep watch over you. Amen. Remain blessed and have a joyful DAY. ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


The wise are supposed to rule but often it's the smarter ones who rule.   Fact is that the smarter ones and not necessarily the intelligentsia will always be dominant. It is not enough to claim the right to be wise. It is not enough to access your right to seek knowledge. You also have the choice to be smart in the right sense. May we always be streetwise, even as we strive to learn and live in the sunshine of this smooth day. Have a beautiful DAY. Good day.  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be favoured with eternal life today. Be blessed in God's love. Be honoured with divine encounter today, because you're special. May divine love shine, shield and sustain you this day. Amen. May the echoes of joy trace and locate you wherever you may be. Amen And may eternal peace rain on all your physical and spiritual needs in abundance. Amen. Have a blessed DAY.  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™ 


Angelic messages of hope keep coming. Divine messages of warmth hang in the air. Soothing messages of salvation re-echo from our saviour. As we listen to these messages; As we embrace the authentic reasons in these messages; As we convey the truth in the tides to all, Let's remember that:  Duty demands that we welcome our fellow-men, since we are all children of the same God. Duty demands that we help fight against things that hurt, degrade or humiliate our dignity. Duty demands that we heal the broken bonds of our  humanness, care for the afflicted, the dying, the distressed, the maimed and the neglected; even as we  reconcile in sharing our hope. May we receive a divine touch in what we do today. Amen! May we be blessed in all our efforts today and may Yahweh hear our prayers and fill every barrenness in our lives. Amen!! And may the Almighty God who has favoured us with this new day, help us encounter His Light and Truth in a  profound personal ma


Aspire for higher ideals. Aspire for higher visions. Aspire for creative living. Aspire for balance in all your endeavours. However, if excellence is a value you desire to attain, then maintain integrity.   If authentic progress is your quest, then realign and reaffirm your stakes in the space of conscious awareness. If dignity and respect inspires you, then ignite the magic in your smile and let your handshake be firm. Thank God for blessing us with this friendly Friday. Have a beautiful weekend. God bless you. πŸ’§#KYB Sign# ™