
Be Thankful

Be thankful for for your life and what you have. Be thankful for the opportunities you have got. Be thankful for your knowledge and rich experiences. Be thankful for days you had less and days you had more. Be thankful for the gift of this day and your health. Be thankful for your capabilities and ability to do something. Be thankful for your safety and freedom to travel safely. Be thankful for what you do to make a living and support others. Be thankful for your education and your daily attempt to learn. Be thankful for the gift of your family, friends and relatives. Be thankful for having a house or home to return to after work. Be thankful for the seasons and the lessons you have learned. Be thankful for being here and seeing another sunrise.  Wh at are you thankful for today? I am grateful for the gift of your life and how far you have come. Remain positive. Greetings ©KYB ✍🏿07/11/2024

Gratitude to our MBs

In the wake of many move-makers moving out on Monday, are massive efforts. The movers' manoeuvres of the Monday mile are mentioned, To maintain a maximum mindest of measuring outcomes. Whether they are Micro Move-Makers, Mini Move-Makers, Medium Move-Makers, Major Move-Makers or Mega Move-Makers, whats the vital point is that we are all driving another Monday move. But besides the motives and motivation of all these movers, are the Momentum Boosters (MB) including YOU. And whether they are main or minor Momentum Boosters in our lives, they deserve mentioning not only on Mondays.  As Move-Makers (MM), our Momentum Boosters (MB) are vital in helping us make the best of efforts, decision and progress not only on Mondays but in every moment of the month. It is fact that some MBs can be annoying, over demanding, and yet great listeners, inspirers with their encouraging words.  Sometimes these Momentum Boosters are just an amazing part of greater our Move-Makers. And ...

Living Souls

In our walks and talks at our various meeting places, In every moment of encounter, are intricate webs of connections. And in these connections are SOULS we know and may not know. They are Souls whose influence are commendable and audacious. They are Souls whose lines and paths still guide our moves. And they are Souls we remember not only for their legacies but for how they affected us. In reminiscing the echoes of their rich wise counsel and deeds, We recall their mannerisms and the sacrifices they made which contributed in bringing us this far. As pilgrims of Hope, it is vital for us to never forget to immortalise their good deeds in our lives.  As pilgrims with glorious Mission, it is essential we never forget to imbibe and amplify their rich values in our lives. As Souls navigating the various systems of our survival, it is critical we endeavour to live authentic lives true to our call. Yes, they were great Souls who longed kissed the ashes of time. And the...

Honouring the Elderly

In the library of living legends your name is recorded. In the library of borrowed hearts, our connections still live. In the library of our common history, a society of experiences still breathes. In this library of hope, are shelves of lives that still thrives. In this library of human resources are many with miles of smiles, Entrusted with a priceless collection of ancient folklore. In this library of pages are those with ages who guide us through the reality of this perilous-fun loving matrix of life. In this library of changing scenes of adventures are memories of moments worth keeping. In the present library of our future are the pillars and linkages of our common heritage buried in our bloodlines of our ancestry. This is why it's proper to revere the elderly in our society. This is why it's vital to honour and celebrate their contributions. This is why it's necessary to listen, learn and leverage our connections with the elderly and become better. Greetin...

Unwavering Courage

    The imprint  of your     resilience is admirable.                                                      Your unwavering courage to shape your destiny is note worthy. So as You rise with hope to make the best of this day, May the beautiful thoughts you entertain, The courageous steps you take today, And each stride you make echoe the rhythm of your hopes. May your will to live your dream be blessed. I wish you well. Greetings 🤗 ©KYB ✍🏿24/06/2024

Care for Boyhood

The numerous concerns about the behaviour of men in certain quarters has affected the development of boys. Even more worrying is the machismo and bravado portrayal of boys character trait. These developments coupled with some socialisation trends has equally fluenced boys and subtly contributed to the death of many men. The celebration of #InternationalBoysDay 2018, which is not a direct response to the #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild 2012, was to encourage teaching and modelling of boys value that include honour and integrity. The International Boys' Day  also focuses on the wellbeing of boys in the family, in classroom, in communities and in the country. Lead proponent of the day, Dr. Jerome Teelucksing from Trinidad and Tobago, encourages all to show appreciate and celebrate the strength and joys that go along with being a boy- not in competition with girls, but in tandem with them. Fact is that if we invest time, resources and pay attention to their development...

Press Freedom our Freedom

When our concern is their concern, When our plight is echoed by them, When they press home our demand, Then we need to guard their freedom. We need to guard their freedom, As watchdogs of our aspirations. We need to celebrate our pressmen, As amplifiers of our voices in this void. To the advocate announcers, To the faithful edutainers, To the ever present storytellers, Today we salute you. Please don't stop spreading your ink as drafters of our common history, Please don't stop telling the stories that celebrates and unites us, Please don't stop speaking truth to those entrusted with leadership. Keeping making your positive impact, By upholding your ethics and credibility. In touching lives and transforming our land, We cannot divorce your tacit contributions. Happy International Press Freedom Day Keeping upholding the light of truth. Sincerely  ©KYB ✍🏿03/05/2024