Press Freedom our Freedom

When our concern is their concern,
When our plight is echoed by them,
When they press home our demand,
Then we need to guard their freedom.

We need to guard their freedom,
As watchdogs of our aspirations.
We need to celebrate our pressmen,
As amplifiers of our voices in this void.

To the advocate announcers,
To the faithful edutainers,
To the ever present storytellers,
Today we salute you.

Please don't stop spreading your ink as drafters of our common history,
Please don't stop telling the stories that celebrates and unites us,
Please don't stop speaking truth to those entrusted with leadership.
Keeping making your positive impact,
By upholding your ethics and credibility.

In touching lives and transforming our land,
We cannot divorce your tacit contributions.

Happy International Press Freedom Day
Keeping upholding the light of truth.

©KYB ✍๐Ÿฟ03/05/2024


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