
Care for Boyhood

The numerous concerns about the behaviour of men in certain quarters has affected the development of boys. Even more worrying is the machismo and bravado portrayal of boys character trait. These developments coupled with some socialisation trends has equally fluenced boys and subtly contributed to the death of many men. The celebration of #InternationalBoysDay 2018, which is not a direct response to the #InternationalDayoftheGirlChild 2012, was to encourage teaching and modelling of boys value that include honour and integrity. The International Boys' Day  also focuses on the wellbeing of boys in the family, in classroom, in communities and in the country. Lead proponent of the day, Dr. Jerome Teelucksing from Trinidad and Tobago, encourages all to show appreciate and celebrate the strength and joys that go along with being a boy- not in competition with girls, but in tandem with them. Fact is that if we invest time, resources and pay attention to their development

Press Freedom our Freedom

When our concern is their concern, When our plight is echoed by them, When they press home our demand, Then we need to guard their freedom. We need to guard their freedom, As watchdogs of our aspirations. We need to celebrate our pressmen, As amplifiers of our voices in this void. To the advocate announcers, To the faithful edutainers, To the ever present storytellers, Today we salute you. Please don't stop spreading your ink as drafters of our common history, Please don't stop telling the stories that celebrates and unites us, Please don't stop speaking truth to those entrusted with leadership. Keeping making your positive impact, By upholding your ethics and credibility. In touching lives and transforming our land, We cannot divorce your tacit contributions. Happy International Press Freedom Day Keeping upholding the light of truth. Sincerely  ©KYB ✍🏿03/05/2024

Sincere Appreciation

There are many times you have tired to impact. There are several precious hours you have committed to the process.  There are many low and high tides you have to deal with along the line. There are those naysayers you got to deal with in your strives.  There are countless sacrifices you made to in the course of your work.  So as we honour our gallant workers who labour in the Chambers of duty-bound careers,  It is only proper to salute every worker in our society.  Here's to honour your invaluable contributions to progress. Here's to celebrate your perseverance and commitment to success.  Here's a note to acknowledge all you go through to make the outputs you consistently make.  You may only see it as your job but these are things that keep our society running.  Thank you and please keep shining in your endeavours. Your resilience and dedication to excellence shall be rewarded. Warm wishes on this Labour Day! ©KYB ✍🏿01/05/2024

Mother Earth's 🌍 Day

Some sceneries are pleasingly pleasant Some spaces are sparklingly superb It’s the habitat of hope for many inhabitants Earth remains the home to behold. Several souls talked and walked on this planet Several tried conquering pieces of the Earth Several possess the fat of harvests with glee Forgetting that Earth remains the home to behold.  As a homespun of hope, abundance is its call As a place of presence, affluence is its command As a mother of nature, wealth in its well’s subsists, Yet Earth Remains the home to behold. Home is the grounds for healthy habits  Home is the arena to grow great giants Home is the call to rectify planet-plastics trial To make mother Earth the home to behold.  #Happy World Earth Day ©KYB ✍🏿22/04/2024

You Have a Testimony

You have a testimony of gratitude to share. You have a story of hope to share this day. You have a reason to live in this new season. You have a responsibility to excel in this day. And it is my wish you have a beautiful day filled with positive energy. Greetings t o you. ©KYB ✍🏿27/02/2024

A Gift of Another Year

In the new moon of the new year, Comes hope for a new beginning. At the beginning of this journey, Breathes a new essence of progress. In this year of unique learning and unlearning, In this year of perseverance in our purposes, In this year of mindfulness and acting with caution, May we be blessed with the wisdom to remain relevant. May we be blessed with patience navigate around the year, May our love for the common good reign supreme in all we do. And may good health and the favour of the Most High be our portion throughout the year. May our steps be guided even as we give our best in this journey. Remain sanctified ©KYB✍🏿01/01/24

A Blessed End of 2023

Several years ago, I went to town not to crossover or watch the might of the last day's night but to feel the air of the last day. It was somewhat noisy, phony, and funny but I just didn't like the depth of creativity in the way Christians were using to cash in on the last day of the calendar. Today is D-Day or call it the mother of all nights or the Climax of all the overs: in Crossover, Climb over, Crawl over, Jump over, Scale over, Scream or Shout over, Sprint over, Run over, Pray or Push over, Watch or Walk over, Take over, Limp over, Jet over, Dive over, Lift over etcetera. It's not just enough to do the watch night and the so-called crossing-overs but to soberly reflect on our lives, and our attitudes in the past 365 days. We need to interrogate our efforts, our Care, our thoughts, and our actions or inactions so that we will individually and collectively access ourselves. Even in our reviews, overviews, and counterviews of our efforts in 2015 we can&