

Are we children of a lesser God?  Are we children of limited opportunities to explore?  Are we obstinate children unable to be touched by divine grace?  Are we children distracted to heed good reason and listen to God's Word?   Are we children unwilling to change, reform and transform our ways? How do we become more receptive to good reason and divine wisdom? How do we repent, reform and transform to be good people? How do we keep our focus in the face of the many distractions of our lives?   Perhaps we have to learn to listen more to God's Word, listen to good reason, stay focus and access God's awesome grace to repent from our odd ways, reform and transform to be better people.      Remain blessed.  Greetings 🌸#KYB Sign#™

Awake with Hope

Arise with the sun and walk.  Awake with hope and live.  Arise with courage to make the best of this gift. May God remember you today. May He be pleased to grant you a good day. I wish you well. Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿05/10/2020

Another October

O-pen wide the gates of opportunities and  blessings on your people Yahweh!  C-reate a creative certitude in our hearts to challenge us to care more for ourselves and others.  T-ransmit your abundant grace to sustain a willingness to be true to ourselves. O-ccupy our thoughts with lasting worthy opinions.  B-righten, Yahweh the smiles of your people  with blissful moments of blessings.  E-levate our hopes to make new gains in this new month, Yahweh, and kindly  R-emember O! good Lord to renew, and rekindle our resolve to live in the warmth of another October. AMEN  Remain blessed Greetings. ©KYB ✍🏿1/10/2020

Consistent Practice

Time and again, we are encouraged to keep practising and working on ourselves in order to improve and become better. Sometimes our determination to continue diminishes with time and attacks our momentum. However, for us to live and survive, we have a duty to improve our lives and daily efforts.   Indeed, our commitment to practice our values, skills and excellence does not only perfect our ways but makes us better masters of our acts.  And we must understand that whether good or bad the more we think and allow these thoughts to influence us the more we become creatures of our imaginations, practise and habits.  May we endeavour to become better citizens in our dealings this day. Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿30/09/2020

Blissful Touch

With blessings anew this day, Permit yourself to flow along with the flow, Allow it to touch your beautiful hopes. Let it caress your wonderful dreams; And guide your feet to new possibilities. Embrace the opportunities, privileges and experiences infused in your daily encounters. Flow along with the flow and fetch the fruits of peace, stability, love and honestly from the basket of life. I wish you well in your endeavours.  God bless. Stay Safe.  Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿28/09/2020

Positive Consciousness

Legends are born in every generation. Osagyefo Dr. Kwame Nkrumah was one of them and you are the other legend yet to be discovered.  It's true Dr Nkrumah understood his call and worked towards it. And even with such exceptional qualities and God's favour, he still needed to work with people to attain the level of development he brought to Ghana and the consciousness he raised among Afrikans and the world at large. People are important in every progress march, that's why I still believe in you as a capable member of this progressive force. And I have no doubt in my mind that we are a blessed but strange people. I have never doubted in our collective ability to do great things. I have a firm conviction that we can do a lot more for ourselves if we change our mindsets, rethink our actions and learn from the man we honour this day and from other patriots. I have this belief that we can generate unique homegrown plans and create the things we need for our betterment....

Don't Relent

I have shared a couple of times about the need for us to appreciate every moment of life and live it fully. While valuing the moments today, we have to gravitate toward long-term planning, with a focus on the big picture. Let's not relent in our daily strives, but cloth ourselves with the enthusiasm of outcomes. May the challenge of our goals and ideas inspire and breath in us renewed energies to be grounded in practical, realistic and relevant actions today. Remain Blessed. Greetings  ©KYB ✍🏿17-09-2020