

Beautiful beams of hope brightens the morning of every new day. Blissful beams of hopeful rays breath newness into our hearts every day; So as you walk the length of this day, may you be a blessing unto someone and keep a hopeful cheer. Walk under the shadow of God's Care. Take care & Remain blessed.💦🌸 #KYB✍®#


How many moments did you fully live today? How many smiles did you skip or ignored? What impact did you make this day? There are a lot I guess. Have we set free the captives in our lives? Have we helped in alleviating the burden of the oppressed? Were we able to break the heavy yoke on the down trodden? Have we shared our bread with the hungry or water with the thirsty? Did we care to even shelter the homeless or cloth the destitute and the naked? Did we care to listen to the pleas of the needy or the silent request of that neighbour? Or did we turn our back on them and just overlooked them? It's good to be happy but its better to cause the happiness of others by living the duty of CARE. I trust you had a blissful day? Have a blessed evening Blessed one.💦 #KYB ✍🏿®#


Keep your values with a generous heart. Keep your faith with firm conviction. With a towering zeal, keep the virtues. Trust in the saving grace of God, And persevere to the end. Wishing you the very best of the day. Remain blessed 🌸 *KYB® #


Some time in April we activated our love. Some time in April we anticipated quality rains. Some time in April we expected beautiful yields. Some time in April we hoped for fair sunshine. Some time in April we checked our hope levels. Some time in April we invoked the mores of Care. Some time in April we remembered our resolutions to live cheerful lives. Some time! O! Some time! Yes! Some time in April we remember our duty to still render GRATITUDE to the benevolent God who blessed us with a new month. Remain blessed.


His favour is still assured; His mercy is unmeasured; His love is forever. Besides, He'll never forget you, Because He still cares for you. May the Lord meet you at the point and time of your need. God bless. Greetings 🌻 *KYB® #


In a world of several voices, In a country of many voices, In a week of enough speakers, Sometimes, finding the beauty in your voice can be a challenge. Finding the authentic voice in the chaos of many wants, needs and desires is a challenge. Hearing the true still voice is quite a trouble, amidst the many cacophony of intemperate noisy decibels from within and without. However, there are voices and voices. There are silent and loud voices. There are common and uncommon voices. There are friendly and unfriendly voices. There are mischievous and conflicting voices. There are deadly and lively voices. There are boring and interesting voices. There are angelic and dreadful voices. There are pretentious and evasive voices. There are rich and poor voices. There are inspiring and uninspiring voices. There are insightful and provocative voices, as well as brave and fearful voices. There are abusive and authoritarian voices, and  conscious and unscrupulous voices. O! The...


We were told water is life. We were taught water is vital. We also learned of the therapeutic abilities of water, as well as it's refreshing nature. There is no doubt there is energy in water. It is a fact water contributes to the growth of living organisms (you & I inclusive). There is treasure in water. But it wasn't for fun that historians alluded to the fact that the 'Nile is Egypt & Egypt is the Nile'. It wasn't for nothing that human settlements are situated near a source of water. It wasn't for nothing that farmlands are located near water bodies. However, it is sad reality how the search for treasure in our water bodies is leading to the cruel murder of this age old treasure. It is a terrible phenomena to pollute our water bodies on this large scale with heavy metals and pesticides, all in the name of mining, farming or fishing gold. It is a dangerous affair to indulge in acts that destroys this precious treasure. So as you quench you...