
Showing posts with the label Be Blessed


Did I say I don't have an interest in life?  Did I say you don't have an interest in life?  Did I say our interests are always holy in life? Everybody seems to have an interest in this life.  These interest are varied, wondrous and numerous. They are the very seeds that propel action in all we do. These interests are sometimes backed by sane or possessed reasons. However, it is not true that our interests will always be the same, It is not true that our interests will always be holy or evil, It is not true that our interests will always auger well for our wellbeing.   But as long as our interests interact with the influence of time;  As long as our interests meet intermittently;  As long as our interests collide consistently;  And as long as our interests birth new ideas and challenges,  May we endeavour to balance the pursuit of our many interesting interests, so that they may serve the common good of all. May we also consider God'


Never underestimate the power of your vision. Never underestimate the power of faith. Never underestimate the power of prayer. Never underestimate the power of a united, And well-motivated focused team.  Never underestimate the effect your smile and warm words can have on others. Never underestimate the power of your imagination. Never underestimate the strength and wonders in your dreams and efforts. Never take for granted the power of positive conviction and believe in one's capabilities. Never take for granted the fact that you can walk and talk. Never take for granted the fact that you have life. Never take for granted the effect of your care and motivation. As long as you live, appreciate the gift of life. As long as you live, revere the giver of Life. As long as you relate with others, value and respect  all your relationships with man, and your environment. God bless you this day. ‪ # ‎ KYB  Signs# ®


Sometimes you may be justified in lowering your fire, Sometimes you may be right to stop doing the right things, Sometimes the temptation to quit doing the beautiful things might just be so inevitable. But just keep on doing what you ought to do. Keep on doing the right things,  even if nobody is watching you. Certainly one day, it will pay.


Innovation explores dynamic trends.   Innovation embraces a multiple approach to get results. And a dose of creative strategies and humour adds a wow touch to our innovative brands. Be blessed in your efforts to be innovative on this wondrous Wednesday. 🌷 ‪#‎ KYB‬  Signs# ®


Same time last year, I was in town not to crossover or watch the might of the last day's night but to feel the air of the last day. It was somewhat noisy, phony and funny but I just didn't like the depth of creativity in the way Christians were using to cash-inn on the last day of the calendar. Today is the D-Day or call it the mother of All-nights or the Climax of all the overs: in Crossover, Climb over, Crawl over, Jump over, Scale over, Scream or Shout over, Sprint over, Run over, Pray or Push over, Watch or Walk over, Take over, Limp over, Jet over, Dive over, Lift over etcetera. It's not just enough to do the watch night and the so-called crossing overs but to soberly reflect on our lives, our attitudes in the past 365 days. We need to interrogate our efforts, our Care, our thoughts and our actions or inaction, so that we will individually and collectively access our selves. Even in our reviews, overviews, and counter-views of our efforts in 2015 we can't


They called it an in-out-out -out policy introduced recently at our Public Universities, to manage the little accommodation space for students on campus. It's an uncomfortable policy that generated a lot argument among the students and the public for some time, which was passed anyway. There is always an entry point and an exit one. Yesterday, we joined Christians to commemorate Christmas; today we remember the martyrdom of St. Stephen, tauted as the first martyr of Christianity. Truth is that as one enters another exits. Entrance and Exit are two sides of the same coin. As you enjoy the peace in the season, remember your Exit too. In his famous poem: All the World's a Stage, William Shakespeare noted that "All the world's a stage And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, His acts being seven ages." In the passing moments of time, just beware of the different human tende


Be filled with the Holy Spirit. Be favoured with eternal life today. Be blessed in God's love. Be honoured with divine encounter today, because you're special. May divine love shine, shield and sustain you this day. Amen. May the echoes of joy trace and locate you wherever you may be. Amen And may eternal peace rain on all your physical and spiritual needs in abundance. Amen. Have a blessed DAY.  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™ 


Aspire for higher ideals. Aspire for higher visions. Aspire for creative living. Aspire for balance in all your endeavours. However, if excellence is a value you desire to attain, then maintain integrity.   If authentic progress is your quest, then realign and reaffirm your stakes in the space of conscious awareness. If dignity and respect inspires you, then ignite the magic in your smile and let your handshake be firm. Thank God for blessing us with this friendly Friday. Have a beautiful weekend. God bless you. 💧#KYB Sign# ™


No matter how many detours and adjustment we make in life, let's not forget our ultimate destination. Yes, we need to keep our focus and get our priorities right with a good balance of all that we do; But let's be a little flexible to discover other interesting things about life, even while we think of how to scale our various challenges. God bless you. Good day. 🌺 #KYB Sign# ™


The words of eternal wisdom are still heartwarming. Worthy words of worth are still walking our wicked world. But d on't be doubtful of welcoming the words of warmth. Don't relent in telling the well-intentioned words of witness. And like John the Baptist's  disciples (Lk. 7:19-23),  let's tell the world  what we've witnessed and heard. Let's tell the salvation words of our Lord. Let's show compassion and His merciful love to others through our deeds. Let's show authentic care to the needy and afflicted. Let's love the blind, the lame lepers, the deaf and invalid. Let's proclaim the Good News of Hope to all and  praise  God's wondrous deeds for humanity even in our state of  unworthiness. Have a wonderful Wednesday . God bless you. #KYB Sign#™


The truth in Tuesday traces the toes of our thoughts again, and tries to trek the trusted tracks of our Master Tutor, who still travels and tinkers those testimonial tales of our trajectory. With the traversing trade winds still touching the thatches of our thoughts and  tickling the tides of our  transgressions, we are tasked to transform in time. Living in today's transforming grace, always: Take an Unlimited Enthusiastic  Strategy to Derive and Attain Your noble goals on this terrific Tuesday. God bless. #KYB Sign# ™


Awake the morning in your Monday to move. Arouse the many mental motives in your mind to motion. In all you do, just endeavour to: Make the Orderly New Drive of this day Affect Your many moves, because it's another beautiful Monday. God bless.🌹 #KYB Sign# ™


Be happy and glad. Be happy and rejoice for Yahweh lives. Be happy and expectant of eternal joy for the Lord is with you. With prayer and thanksgiving, let's share the little we have with others. Let's share the little with the hungry and thirsty today; For the Lord will always exalt and renew us by his love; The Lord will always favour and bless us. God bless 🌾  #KYB Sign# ™


Once there was this mentally challenged man who drunk from the dirty gutter in front of GBC Kanda, Accra. There was another neglected fellow in a village somewhere on the dusty portions of the Eastern Corridor, who also fed from the refuse dump. But ironically, I have never seen any and many of these folks at the hospital before. Yet they are always strong and healthy all the time. So I wondered what keeps them immune from our daily sickness? Who keeps them healthy in spite of the fact that they sleep in the open and at the mercy of mosquitoes and the discomfort of our weather? How come with that, though they disobey the hygiene rules, they are still strong? Certainly, there is someone out there I believe who's merciful LOVE still breathes CARE on these folks. There is somebody out there who fixed the seasons and carried us through these tides of days on count. There is someone who alternate the day and night conundrum of time in motion. There is a God, who remembered to w


Consistent efforts are necessary for growth in our lives.  Persistent strides bring us closer to authentic development. But to achieve sustainable growth and development, we need creativity to navigate in the intemperate waters of challenges. We need to access our past glories, which should pinch our innovative drive to adopt unique ways of sustaining growth.  Maybe we need the discipline to rethink things we did in the past. Maybe we have to improvise some innovative ways to enliven the old things we've been doing to make bigger gains or risk extinction. May GOD bless us with that creative quest to infuse in the things we do. Greetings  🌻 ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign# ™


It's easy to follow the crowd this days. Doing the wrong things everybody does is very appealing, if not too tempting. And being correct might be frustrating and challenging, but try and do the right things. Standing your grounds might appear to be madness to the incorrectly correct ones but be correct. At all times, desire noble deeds and desire to lead noble lives; for the reward of nobility is integrity and abundant blessings. Have a beautiful day. God bless🌲  ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


Fear not in doing the right things, even if you're the only one doing it. Fear not to faithfully observe good values, even if you're the only one doing it. Fear not to pray consistently to your God, even if others won't pray. Fear not to dream dreams and to follow your dreams, even if others don't understand its depth. Fear not to forgive, even if others won't forgive you. Fear not to trust your instincts and go for what you really want, even if it seems practically impossible. Fear not to leave your comfort zone and take up the challenge to a new level. Fear not to trust God in all your endeavours, not because it is a Thursday but because He first loved you and desires your progress. Fear not to be yourself, and sing the glory and eternal praise of the Most High always. Fear not to step out in the splendour of this new day. Have a terrific day. ‪#‎ KYB‬  Sign#™


When we are caught in an endless tango of wrongs; When we are subtly enslaved by the frivolities of life; When we are enraged by the practice of good virtues; When we are governed by our greedy passion for inconsiderate wants; When we are falling for sinful snares of vice; Then we are weakened by the wicked dominion of sin. But that the Son of Man purchased our freedom through His painful death; That we are now enslaved under a genuine grace of liberty makes us a special people. With this wondrous liberty still breathing mercy, love and Providence on a wonderful Wednesday, may we all echoed the words of the Psalmist that indeed "Our help is in the name of Lord who made heaven and earth" (Psalm124). Have a blessed day💥#KYB Sign# ™ .