A Father's Salutation

With the bumpy economic currents,
It is understandable why the fanfare is cool and calm.
But since a celebration is a celebration,
And our Fathers are our fathers,
It's proper to applaud and acknowledge our Fathers for their important role.

You might have heard some of the adjectives.
We know the strange sound of some of the accolades. 
We are even told some fathers are experts at goal scoring, while others too are active providers, protectors and pacesetters.

We are also reminded of some fantastic, loving but absentee fathers who have vacated their posts, and those who generously missed the green smiles of our growth.

Time and again, we hear of fathers whose gallant toils and tears still stir us to sail.
While some have long kissed the ghostly ashes of eternity. 
Some still stand like pillars of discipline and foundation in our lives, while others still inspire fear through their uncompromising postures and fiats.

Many fathers sweat daily to provide for their families. They are those who go through a lot of struggles to support their children.
Some brace the dew, walk in the rains and take some difficult decisions just to ensure their families survive.
Others also put up with all sorts of treatments and suffer ordeals to earn something.
Some are even humiliated and insulted, which they hardly share.
And in these times of harsh economic realities, some continue conjuring magic to provide for their families.

Whatever they were or are to us,
However, they have been in our lives,
One thing is clear, our Fathers are responsible for something in our lives.
They're either directly or indirectly responsible for us being where we're today.
We may like or dislike their approaches but we cannot erase their efforts in our lives.

It's in the light of their various contributions that we have to celebrate them.

Happy Father's Day to all Fathers in our land.
May the Father of all ages continue to breathe blessings, protection and guidance on our fathers, aspiring fathers, foster fathers and Godfather to live this arduous task of responsibility.πŸ•―
©KYB ✍🏿19/06/22


  1. Fantastic loving absentee fathers😊

  2. What an erudite write-up! Excellently noble and thought-provoking.

  3. Wawww... I am short of words...

    This guy is a guy.


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