It's been six months when a certain infectious disease(COVID-19) surprised humanity, with 10 million cases and over 500, 000 deaths.
Indeed, we least expected this pandemic six months ago, and our lives – would be thrown into turmoil by this new virus.
This plague has brought out the best and the worst of our humanity. In all this, we have seen heartwarming acts of resilience, innovative ideas, kindness and kindness.
We have also seen the effects on our sixty-year-old Republic. But beyond the excuses we make for the deficit in our growth, how can we account for the six decades of our self-determination; self-governance; and development? Can we say we have arrived?
Can we say we have managed and governed ourselves satisfactorily?
Can we say we have exceeded our expectation as a sovereign state and inspiring leadership in Afrika?
Can we say we're really in charge of our collective destiny?
Certainly, we still have numerous challenges and problems on our hands in these times.
Even though we've done well in some respects and scored low marks in other areas, we all owe ourselves a duty to uplift our Hopes and make the dreams of our Founding Fathers a doable reality.
We need to inculcate a caring spirit among ourselves even as we encourage good hand hygiene, physical distancing, covering coughs, staying home if you feel sick, wearing masks when stepping out, and sharing information from reliable sources.
Clearly, the choices we make now to reduce transmission of the disease whether as low-risk or high-risk people to COVID-19, could influence someone's life or facilitate their death.
As we relive Ghana's Republican dream, we are reminded that:
We have a wealth of resilience buried our hearts;
A rich heritage of hope lives in our hearts;
An ever tasking Journey of
Yearning still lives in our hearts.
That we are capable of being the people we wish to be, we need to rededicate ourselves to pursue the ideals of our pathfinders.
In these moments, we must renew our commitment to universal health coverage as the cornerstone of social and economic development – and build a safer, fairer, greener and more inclusive society.
We must reactivate our communal spirit and re-cultivate that patriotic zeal to stoke a united national desire to treasure our independence and freedom.
Our commitment to empower our communities, reduce the spread of COVID-19, save lives, accelerate efforts and show leadership on all fronts to safeguard our wellbeing.
With our God has given talents and abundant resources, all we need is an authentic respect for each other and that Positive and Selfless ATTITUDE to grow Mother Ghana.
I wish you a refreshing 60th Republic Day.
Undoubtedly, national unity, resilience and solidarity are essential for us to combat the threats of COVID-19 to our safety.
May your resilience in these moments never wane. Greetings πΉ
©KYB ✍πΏ01/07/2020
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