Be Interested
Can you feel the changes in the air?
Can you see the hanging clouds above?
Can you still perceive the aggressive voices in this natural mystic, hovering over our heads?
Whether you feel it or you don't see or perceive it,
Whether the signs are not so clear to you by now,
Fact is: there are many happenings in the moments,
With dribbling voices of various people,
Which signals an urgent need to pay attention.
So in spite of all the good reasons to relax,
In spite of your peculiar ups and downs,
In spite of your stubborn resolve to keep walking,
Please be interested in life.
Be interested in the little things in life.
Be interested in the precious moments of life.
Be interested in the happenings in your area.
Be interested in the people around you.
Be interested in those you ceded power to in trust to cater to you.
Be interested in the kind and content of education your children receive.
Be interested in the kind of media you expose yourself and your family to.
Be interested in the healthcare services you are given from time to time.
Be interested in knowing the coded meanings of things and how they are used.
Be interest in deciphering the other interests of people.
Be interested in knowing the effects of your words and actions.
Be interested in what you feed your thoughts.
Be interested in what you ingest to live.
Be interested in your safety and security, and those under your care.
Be interested in what you apply to yourself.
Be interested in the priceless patterns of people. Be interested in the diction of the wise voices.
Be interested in the interrelated issues of life.
Be interested in the interconnected phases of life's complexities.
Be interested in the many stories of the situation.
Be interested in reading between the lines and in sifting concrete meanings.
Be interested in the salient conversation of your soul.
Be interested in the game people plot and play.
Be interested in knowing when enough is enough.
Be interested in the little efforts of others.
Be interested in showing concern to others.
Be interested in valuing relationships whether with yourself, with your God and with your neighbours.
Be interested in making the best of the moment.
Be enthusiastic about everything you do today.
Be interested in the needs of the vulnerable and marginalised.
Be interested in listening to the subtle voices of those on the fringes of society.
Be interested in the basics of life and don't complicate things.
Above all, please be interested in people, because people are people because of people.
Remain Blessed
©KYB ✍🏿07/10/19
On point, thanks.