Remember Them

They come in every age.
They live in different parts and in challenging conditions.
Some are still with us but many who stand tall in our memories we cannot forget.

So to our malevolent martyrs;
To our brave hearted heroes and heroines, who dared to defy the order;
To our humane ancestors who sacrificed the temporary pleasures of the here and now to pave way for you and I;
To the memory of men of valour who stood their grounds and even shed their blood for what they believed in;
To the many souls who were silenced because they disagreed with the ills being perpetuated;

To those who were murdered because of the truth;
To those who were condemned because of their dedication to see others liberated;
To those who continue to die due to our collective negligence;
To those who vacated this space because we refuse to care;
To those who are persistently persecuted because of what they profess;

And to the many voices we refuse to hear;
May God grant us renewed hearts to learn from the living examples of these men, women, and children.
May their lives always inspire us to do more, wherever we find ourselves.

God bless
©KYB ✍🏿3/06/19


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